Tag Archives: American conservative Union

DNC Ad Attacks GOP With CPAC

Bookmark and Share  In what can only be viewed as a sign of things to come, the Democratic National Committee is returning to their attempts at demonizing Republicans by trying to paint their conservative base as heartless fiends and maniacal evil scientists who would dare to experiment with such things as the ability for the free market to improve quality and life in America. In a video put out this week by the DNC, clips from CPAC, the American Conservative Union’s annual Conservative Political Action Conference.

The video uses clips of cheering CPAC audiences as speakers talk of replacing the E.P.A, abolishing the Board of Education and allowing people to opt out of Social Security. After the evil Republicans have their say, Steny Hoyer and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz are spliced in as they discuss how Democrats are making sure that America is competitive enough to insure is a stronger economic future. The video then goes to a clip of President Obama from his State of the Union Address in which he discusses the entrepreneurial spirit of Americans and how as a nation “we do big things.”

What the ad does not tell you is that for Democrats, those big things are big government and big government programs which replace the American entrepreneurial spirit with bureaucratic mandates and regulations that have a return on the dollar that is less than the cost required to implement.

Another interesting thing to point out is that, the way I see it, the DNC seems to also be banking on President Obama’s supposed great oratory skills as means to appeal to the hearts and minds of the American voter. Not that there is anything wrong with that. A President should be able to do so, but one must be able to tap into American sentiments if they wish to be successful at such attempts. One must be Reaganesque if they wish to do that. The problem is we knew Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama is no Ronald Reagan. Nice try though.

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Ron Paul Supporters Prove One Thing at CPAC

Bookmark and Share   This afternoon, CPAC took the time to honor one of our own with the Defender of Freedom Award, former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.

Rumsfeld’s responsibilities during times of crisis and war have given him the burden of making many controversial and at times unpopular decisions. Indeed I myself believe that he made some calls in the latter part of the war in Iraq. But there is no denying that Rumsfeld is truly a defender of freedom. For the most part, his decisions, judgment and leadership have made us a stronger and better nation.

Perhaps that is why a special guest surprised the CPAC audience for the purpose of presenting Rumsfeld with the award. Vice President Dick Cheney made his way to the podium and after recanting some amusing personal stories  about moments shared between him Donald Rumsfeld, he gave Rummy a unique prize which consisted of an original document written by President James Madison.  The ACU felt that the histroical docment was fitting for Rumnsefeld because they noted that Madison and Rumsfeld shared very similiar career paths. In his presentation, Cheney said that Rumsfeld has made America stronger, safer and more secure today.

These remarks and the award that came with them were in fact quite deserved by Rumsfeld. Yet in a despicable display of hate and ignorance, boisterous supporters of Ron Paul booed, hissed, hollered, shouted and cursed Donald Rumsfeld and Vice President Cheney. One particularly disruptive Pauliac decried, with a piercing shout “war criminals”.

I must tell you, that while I agree with Ron Pal on many things and even appreciate Ron Paul, I have some deep rooted apprehension with his vision of isolationism. I have doubt about some, not all, but some of his desired intentions to ignore problems related to our national interests in the international arena. I was also particularly offended by remarks he once made in which he blamed 9/11 on America itself. But let there be no doubt that I still respect Congressman Paul. But I have no respect for the radical Paul supporters who carry libertarianism so far that it comes full circle with liberalism.

It is their extremism which brings libertarianism too far and leads them to also believe that America deserves more blame than credit. This is not a perception that I prescribe to. But my disagreement with the blind followers of Ron Paul is not what causes me to lose respect for them. The cause of that is their utter disrespect and 1960’s-like, in your face, protestations which seek not to hear other opinions but to impose their own on everyone else.

While not all Ron Paul worshippers are like this, the loudmouthed, small brained, few who accuse American heroes of being “war criminals” and who would rather see America ignore responsibilities than live up to them, which smears the general perception of all Ron Paul worshippers.

So to those who hope to see Ron Paul become the next Republican presidential nominee and ultimately the next President, may I suggest that you join the debate, not filibuster the debate. May I suggest that you act seriously if you want to be taken seriously and I suggest that you realize that freedom is not something that can be maintained in some sort of vacuum that ignores those things which erode at it. And one other thing. Try to remember that being obnoxious will not get you votes. It will cost you votes. Is that any way to support and advance Ron Paul’s cause or his candidacy?

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Ron Paul Wins CPAC 2012 Presidential Straw Poll

Bookmark and Share   As the political atmosphere turns its turbulent winds of unrest against the Administration of President Obama, anger and dissatisfaction within the American electorate has forced them to focus and rally for a change from the change that Barack Obama’s promised false hope produced. As a result, the annual Conservative Political Action Committee conference in Washington, D.C. saw its largest gathering ever.

Amid countless speeches from the likes of Newt Gingrich, Dick Armey, J.C. Watts and rising star Marco Rubio to Mike Pence, Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney, countless rally cries for change are echoing from throughout the ballrooms of the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel and into the political world.

Along with insightful and inspiring, pep-like speeches to motivate the conservative forces, there are countless workshops and organizational training classes that are aimed at allowing dedicated activists to focus their energies on the development of increasing effective grass development and activism.

Among one of the highlights of the annual conference is the CPAC Presidential Straw Poll. The results of the straw are a clear signal of whom the base of the Republican is most energized by and a hint of who has the base’s momentum as we move closer and closer to the presidential election.

For the last three years, former Governor Mitt Romney has taken that honor. Last year he won the CPAC just a day after he withdrew from the Republican presidential nomination contest that ultimately went to Senator John McCain.

This year the CPAC ballot consisted of eleven names Mitt Romney, Indiana Congressman Mike Pence, Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour, former Alaska Governor and GOP Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin, South Dakota Senator John Thune, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, Texas Congressman and perennial presidential candidate Ron Paul, Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels, Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee. A twelfth option was offered on the ballot in the reform of a space for voters to write-in any other preference that they may have.

Just moments ago, in what can only be seen as a surprie upset, the results of the straw poll were released and this is how it turned out:

  1. Ron Paul                     31%
  2. Mitt Romney            22%
  3. Sarah Palin                  7%
  4. Tim Pawlenty             6%
  5. Mike Pence                  5%

Of the 10.000 people in attendance, only 2,400 cast a straw ballot and from the looks of things, the ever dilligent Ron Paul had his very loyal, vocal militant supporters passing out as many ballots as possible.  

So although Congressman Paul can claim this victory, most people, including those in attendance at the CPAC conference, will tell you that no one expects Ron Paul to be the nominee of any major party in 2012. 

Two good signs from this poll though are that even without a corrdinated push for a ballot position thi year, Mitt Romney remains to be a favorite.   The other optimistic sign is Mike Pence’s 5th place showing. 

As a relatively unknown Indiana Congressman, Mike Pence has made quite a name for himself, especially in the area of fiscal conservatism.  Apparently that is beginning to catch the eye of many.

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