Tag Archives: President Clinton

Liberal Hypocrisy Proven Again! They Want A War Tax But Some Won’t Pay Any Taxes

Bookmark and Share    I consistently contend that liberals are hypocrites and that the contemporary, predominantly liberal, Democrat Party, possesses a hypocrisy based ideology.

Hypocrisy is so ingrained in liberalism that it seeps into everything from the way they do business to the policies they promote and the double standards they operate under.

For example. A $400 million dollar deficit after 8 years of President G.W. Bush drew repeated public denunciations by the left and cries of irresponsibility (which is actually true) but an epic $1.85 trillion deficit in 10 months under President Obama is seen as a good thing by liberals now.

Liberals claimed that Clarence Thomas was unfit for the Supreme Court because a comment he made about pubic hair on a can of coke inspired one Anita Hill to accuse him of sexual harassment. But according to these same liberals, the dozens of sexual harassment charges against President B.J Clinton, including those settled out of court, had no bearing on how fit he was to be Commander-and-Chief.

The list is endless, but recently I was struck by a group of liberal, civilian, conscientious objectors who oppose our national security interests and the war against the enemies confronting us.

WarTaxBoycott.org proudly promotes their “2009 War Tax Boycott” and they even ask you to participate in their 2010 War Tax Boycott. I was floored by the message this site offered. What shocked me was not their total refusal to understand why we are at war, or their unwillingness to accept the fact that what we are in the middle of is borne out of necessity (as President Obama admits). No. What made my eyes pop out was the utterly ridiculous level of hypocrisy they confirmed.

Here is some of what the site explained:

“$141,696 redirected from war to projects that serve humanity!

Half the signers to the 2009 War Tax Boycott refused to pay federal income taxes to the IRS and are giving the money to Direct Aid Iraq, Common Ground Health Clinic, or hundreds of other projects of their choice.”

Here’s the kicker…………….

“Other signers have chosen to reduce their income so that none of their money will go to war — with the added benefit of less consumerism.”

I was astonished by the liberal admission of the fact that less income in the pockets of individuals results in “less consumerism”.

Now in the case of this Brooklyn based pit of hypocrisy, they see less consumerism as a good thing because the reduced purchase power and lack of profit in America, in their small, warped minds, is an added sign of protest against our national security.  However; the bottom line is that these liberals clearly connect less money in the pockets of taxpayers with less consumerism. So another words if one were to be allowed to keep more of the money they earned, they would spend more and their would be more of that much hoped for consumerism.

Is this not the exact same point they argue against when they denounce tax cuts?

In the meantime, while you have a portion of the Democrat Party refusing to pay their taxes because of our defense efforts, you have a leading liberal, Congressman David Obey, demanding that we create a “war tax”.

Are liberals actually this confused or are they really as stupid as they sound and act?

But just to accentuate the undeniability of liberal hypocrisy, I should mention that people like Congressman David Obey and Joe Klein, the liberal, so-called journalist of Time, are currently trying to argue that a “war tax” is patriotic, yet, at the same time, do they call it unpatriotic when  liberals refuse to pay any taxes, as demonstrated by the 2009 War Tax Protest group?

The endless hypocrisy of the left is painfully obvious and incredibly obscene.  But if you really want to blow a gasket,  check out what Joe Klein had to say about Congressman Obey’s war tax.  Not only does it add to my point, it also demonstrates the blatant level of political insincerity that liberals possess.  Klein’s brief opinion of the war tax reveals the real reason behind it. 

It is an attempt, on the part of the left, to exploit the war effort and turn it into a wedge issue to attack Republicans with.  And we all know it!  After all, do any of us believe that the same government which claims that stimulus dollares are creating jobs in Congressional Districts that do not exist , is actually going to insure us that their war tax goes to the war effort?   Absolutely not! 

These hypocrites really need to stop the lies and put an end to the games they’re playing.

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Is This Administartion For Real? Welcome To The Mirror Universe.

Bookmark and Share  By Mike Dunimiak (POLITICS 24/7 Guest Blogger
 It is as if one night we all went to bed and when we woke up, we found ourselves transported to an alternate universe where everything is mduminiakreversed. At first, people just didn’t take notice. Absorbed in their own lives and having come with a basic trust of those in power, they didn’t notice that the government wasn’t the same one they grew up with. Then they started to notice.

We all were raised thinking that government should be based on the idea that all people are equal. This government does not share that view. It believes that some people are entitled to take from others that which they did not earn. It believes that people are inherently unequal and that government exists to use force and confiscation to create a subjugation based equality.

We were taught that if you use government money to subsidize an industry, that is basically a bad thing but perhaps a necessary evil to save jobs. This government believes that using government money to subsidize or outright buy industries is a great thing. Further, they subsidized or bought industries and then ordered those industries to close down facilities and lay off workers. This government forced the people to fund the destruction of their own jobs.

We believed that reducing the number of people who are dependent on government assistance is a good thing. Even the last Democrat Party President (Bill Clinton) worked to reduce dependence on government. This government believes the exact opposite. It has already added hundreds of thousands of people onto public health care that had and could easily afford private coverage. It has pushed for the laying off of thousands of workers in the auto industry and placed them on government assistance. It is working hard to make dependents of every single citizen by designing a bill that would force them to either take a government run health program or pay steep penalties for failing to do so.

We all can recall the cries against unilateralism and the need to build international coalitions. Well this government just shifted from the five nation coalition talks dealing with North Korea to just the United States dealing with North Korea.

We were certain that free speech and expression were the foundation of a just society. This government has targeted those who speak against big government, for personal responsibility, for lowering the deficit, against government take-over of health care. This government labels such free speech and expression as potential domestic terrorism.

We understood that our military existed to protect the country, its interests and its citizens and that its veterans should be honored. This government believes that the military veterans are instead threats to its power and control. They are watch-listed as potential domestic terrorists.

We thought that the people elected to represent us should act in accordance with our wishes. This government believes that the people are a bunch of crazy idiots whose only moment of rational intelligence was the couple of minutes they spent in the voting booth electing them; that the rest of the time government needs to do what it wants regardless of what the people want because they’re too stupid to know what’s best for them.

Unfortunately, like Charlton Heston’s character in “Planet of the Apes” we will find that this is not some alternate universe or distant planet to which we were transported. This is our reality. We are responsible for our own destruction.

Yet there is hope. People may not yet be screaming “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore” out of their windows, but they are shouting at town hall meetings across the country. Civility is eroding as passions rise and people feel desperation with a government that does not listen. This government better start to pay attention before it truly wakens the sleeping giant that is the American people. They tend to wake up angry.

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