Tag Archives: New Jersey Primary election for governor


Bio Tech Entrepreneur  John Crowley

Bio Tech Entrepreneur John Crowley

Political insiders make it clear, that at this point in time, biotech entrepreneur John Crowley is still strongly considering running for Governor of New Jersey.

So far there are already two declared candidates for New Jersey’s Republican gubernatorial nomination. Assemblyman Richard Merkt and former Bogota Mayor Steve Lonegan.

Both of these men deserve to be heard and are worth watching. Not only do they have substantial records on the issues but they were also brave enough to throw their hats in the same ring that is likely to contain, now former U.S. Attorney Chris Christie. With all the hoopla over Chris Christie’s possible entry into the race, many other potential candidates opted out of even trying. But not Merkt and Lonegan. That alone warrants their right to be heard.

So we already have two strong willed, determined aspirants for the nomination and that is a good thing, a very good thing.


Franklin Township Mayor Brian Levine

Another potentially prominent presence in the growing field of Republican candidates could come from an incumbent mayor.

Brian Levine has twice won election as Franklin Township’s mayor. Not an easy job in a town that is heavily weighed in favor of  democrats.

Levine has the type of crossover appeal that we will need to win back the keys to Drumthwacket in November. If Levine does declare his candidacy for the nomination, the question will become, does his crossover appeal to Democrats turn off the more conservative wing of the Republican party that would nominate him?

Presuming that Chris Christie does run, Lonegan’s, Merkt’s and possibly Levine’s, efforts, will at least force Chris Christie to do some real campaigning of his own for the nomination.

Although Christie brings the name recognition and seeming ability to tap into the financial resources that a successful campaign requires, I do not want the party to simply coronate him. I want him to earn the nomination. Make clear his positions on the issues, articulate his plans for the state and prove that he has the ability to get his message across in a way that people can believe.

As official candidates for the GOP nomination, Steve Lonegan and Richard Merkt will help to make sure that Chris has to prove himself. But truthfully, both Merkt and Lonegan are slightly handicapped in their ability to force Christie to play on the same field as them. Neither of them have the name I.D. that Christie does and neither of them have the access to the amount of money that is needed to be truly competitive and that Christie can tap into. The same holds true in the case of Levine’s possible candidacy.

Money is not everything but in politics, unfortunately, it means a lot.

That brings us to back to John Crowley. He has money.

John Crowley is a self-made, independently wealthy man with a compelling and inspirational history that brings even more to the table than just the money that is needed.

After studying at the U.S. Naval Academy for three semesters, he graduated with degrees in foreign service from Georgetown University and went on to obtain his J.D from Notre Dame Law School and then worked as a litigation associate in the health care industry.

Crowley furthered his education and received an M.B.A from Harvard Business School. From there he went on to work for a San Francisco based management consulting firm.

In 1998, John Crowley was handed the greatest challenge of his life. His wife, Aileen gave birth to twins, Patrick and Megan. Both were born with a fatal neuromuscular disorder called Pompe disease.

The disorder was so rare that few if any pharmaceutical entities attempted to develop treatment or cures for Pompe.

Determined, the Crowley’s settled in Princeton, to be near doctors who were specializing in Pompe disease.

John Crowley subsequently took up employment with Bristol-Meyers Squibb but after two years he left Bristol-Meyers to embark on a new venture. A venture that sought to increase the pace of research into Pompe and the development of a cure for it. It was a race against time that was slowly taking the lives of his children.

He became the CEO of a biotech company called Novazyme. In short time Novazyme merged with the world’s largest biotech company, Genzyme Corp., and soon after that the combined efforts of the two, brought about by John Crowley, led to the creation of an enzyme replacement therapy for Pompe disease that is keeping the Crowley kids alive today.

Getting to that point was not easy and there were a great many trials and tribulations, but John Crowley, his wife, and the team he assembled never gave up.

The story is the stuff that books are written about and about which movies are made.

A Pulitzer prize winning author actually did write a book about it. It is called “The Cure: How a Father Raised $100 Million – And Bucked the Medical Establishment – In a Quest to Save His Children” (ISBN 978-0060734398).

On top of that Harrison Ford has procured the rights to turn the Crowley story into a movie that he will also co-star in.

So, to say that John Crowley is a storybook candidate, is not just an understatement. It is true.

Now, at 41, Crowley is an intelligence officer in the U.S. Naval Reserve and is currently the President and CEO of Cranbury, New Jersey based, Amicus Therapeutics. He is also considering running for the Republican party’s gubernatorial nomination.

I hope he does.

That is not an endorsement of his potential candidacy but it is a sign of my eagerness to get to know what John Crowley would do as our Governor. He obviously is a talented, determined man with spirit, ingenuity a strong sense of commitment and a can do attitude and work ethic.

As is the case with Chris Christie, I do not know where John Crowley stands on the issues, but I hope we will be able to find out in a hard fought primary battle for the nomination.

Unlike Lonegan and Merkt, Crowley has the money needed to establish the name I.D. that Christie has. That would help even the playing field and insure that Chris Christie will have to earn the nomination as opposed to having it handed to him by the party establishment.

If Crowley enters the race, the entirety of the pro-Christie, Republican, establishment has the potential for splintering up. That is made apparent by Mercer County Chairman Roy Wesley who is the G.O.P. leader of the county that Crowley lives in.

It is reported that, right now, Wesley is “leaning toward” either Christie or Crowley.

Seeing as how we all know that Christie will be running but are not yet sure if Crowley will, the “either or” answer of Wesley makes sense. Why piss off Christie now by backing someone who may not run? However that “either or” response bodes well for Crowley and can best be interpreted to mean that if Crowley runs Wesley will endorse him but if he doesn‘t run, Chris Christie can count on Wesley‘s support.

The Chairmen of Union and Salem counties have already indicated that they are leaning to Christie. Monmouth county’s Republican chairman, Joe Oxley, has not gone that far, but nearly.

According to PolitickerNJ, Oxley stated that “everybody’s anticipating, hoping and expecting that Chris may very well enter the race”. He added that he is good friends with Christie and that Christie will have lots of support throughout the county.

Regardless of the opinions established at this point in time, if Crowley does enter the race, he will certainly shake things up. Many uncommitted county leaders and organizations will probably find themselves impressed with Crowley. He may even have the capacity to change the minds of many individuals currently inclined to support, Lonegan, Merkt or Chris Christie.

Personally, I look forward to Crowley’s interest in the governor’s job turning into a yearning for the job. I want him to run and turn our primary into a truly competitive race that will capture the headlines and attention of voters for months.

Such a race will help establish much needed name recognition for our future nominee and it will help to shed some light on our Republican solutions to our state’s problems.

On top of that, I hope John Crowley believes in the principles of our party and is willing to implement those principles in his approach to solving New Jersey’s problems.

If Crowley comes out trying to run a campaign that, for the sake of political expediency, makes him sound like a democrat, than I will be saying, “Adios, Sayonara, Au revoir, John.”

The same applies to Chris Christie.

If we are to win in November, we will have to run against the liberal policies being applied in Trenton by the current regime. We cannot run against democrats by trying to be them. If that is ones intention than don’t run.

I have a feeling that not only does John Crowley disagree with liberal policy, he is also not afraid to promote a right of center approach to government.

If that is the case, then Crowley may very easily get my vote.

For me, his political outsider status is a plus. He has no entanglement with the political bureaucracy that brought us to where we are today and as result he bears no blame. Furthermore; his “can do” mentality to getting things accomplished in the real world is the type of thinking that we need in the jaded world of government bureaucracy.

Of course, no matter who wins our nomination, it will behoove them to select State Senator Jennifer Beck as their running mate and our Lieutenant Governor nominee.

Please be sure to sign the online petition for that effort!


There’s one thing that Democrats and Republicans share in common:

 Our money.

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Anthony M. Del Pellegrino


Garden State Grass Root Republicans Trying To Cultivate A Winning GOP Ticket In ‘09

(Manchester, N.J. -November 26, 2008) ~ Followers of Republican State Senator Beck, R-Monmouth, have begun a petition and campaign for her to be tapped as the Republican nominee for Lieutenant Governor and running mate of whomever ultimately wins the nomination for Governor. They expect to deliver that message to whomever the Republican nominee for Governor winds up being .

As stated in the petition, it calls “upon the Republican party’s nominee for Governor to select State Senator Jennifer Beck as their running mate and our nominee for Lieutenant Governor of New Jersey in the November elections of 2009.”

Supporters of the “State Senator Jennifer Beck for Lieutenant Governor of New Jersey” petition effort believe that Senator Beck’s placement on the ticket would significantly boost Republican chances of winning“.

The petition’s creator, Anthony Del Pellegrino of Ocean County, released the following statement:

“As the race for Governor in New Jersey takes shape, many potential candidates for the Republican nomination are waiting for soon, to be, former U.S. Attorney Chris Christie to make his intentions official. With the undeniable advantage that his popular, positive recognition, name id and deserved reputation brings, few will be very competitive against him if he decides to run. Some potential candidates won’t even run against him because of those advantages.

However, while Christie’s decision puts the GOP field in a temporary holding pattern and even though things could change at any moment, one thing wont change. That is the fact that no matter who is nominated for Governor, barring Jennifer Beck herself, no one person will bring more to the ticket as Lieutenant Governor than Senator Beck.

She has proven herself to be one of the state’s brightest and most energetic Republican lawmakers. While during the course of the last few state election cycles, Republicans have been losing seats in the state senate and assembly, Jennifer Beck has been winning them back for us. She appeals to independents and Democrats alike and beyond her masterful ability at campaigning and conveying our message of prosperity, fiscal responsibility and efficient government, Jennifer Beck is someone we believe in. She is a proven, positive force who embodies the future of New Jersey Republicans and, if elected, should the need arise for her to become Governor, Jennifer Beck would be more than just a competent Governor, she would be a unifying force and innovative leader who could steer New Jersey in the right direction.

That being the case, I have embarked on this effort to show whoever gets the Republican gubernatorial nomination that State Senator Jennifer Beck has a great deal of support for being chosen as our candidate for Lieutenant Governor

I have chosen to begin this campaign now, as a grass root effort, there is no heavily financed machine behind it. There will be no ads purchased on the airwaves or placed in newspapers. It is simply a heartfelt attempt to be able to help Republicans shape the strongest possible ticket against Jon Corzine and Trenton’s liberal led state legislature. Such a grass root effort takes time—–lots of time, to build momentum and recognition. So today we start that process and enlist the support of all those who hope to be a part of putting New Jersey back on track and who want to be a part state history by influencing the selection of New Jersey’s first Lieutenant Governor”.

Initial steps for the Beck for Lieutenant Governor movement have begun.

An online petition has been set up and is available for signing on to at:


And along with the petition, two internet sites for the cause have been created. One is a blog that can be visited at:


The other is on a new web site called Rebuild The Party. Initiated by political computer tech king Patrick Ruffini, Rebuildtheparty.com was created after the recent elections and is designed as a networking platform for, as the title reads, rebuilding the party. On it supporters of the Beck petition drive have set up an online group called State Senator Jennifer Beck for Lieutenant Governor of New Jersey and that can be found at:



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The Race To Shape New Jersey’s Future Begins Now!

POLITICS 24/7 has launched a new political effort and blog .

With it, today, the Republican grassroots of the Garden State takes steps to begin shaping New Jersey’s statewide elections in November of 2009.

It may seem early but given the importance of the outcome of the election, we need to gear up wisely and quickly.

In that vein, POLITICS 24/7 has started an effort to build support for the selection of our state’s first Lieutenant Governor.

The newly amended state constitution created the office after an abundant number of recent occasions where vacancies led to the sitting Senate President becoming the Acting Governor, thereby giving him the power of two of the states legislative branches at the same time.

The position is long overdue and in this coming election, for the first time, voters of New Jersey will be electing a gubernatorial ticket—–a Governor and a Lieutenant Governor. The constitution states that the individual who wins their party nomination hand picks his running mate for Lieutenant Governor.

It is fact that there are only a few potential Republican candidates, who may be running , that have the name identification and accessibility to the financial resources required to compete with the independent wealth of incumbent Governor Jon Corzine. Governor Corzine has invested tens of millions of dollars in his three statewide campaigns and the money successfully purchased his elevation first to United States senator and then Governor.

At the same time, Republicans in the state, have lost their own level of competitiveness in fundraising . Combined with the uniqueness of campaigning in a state that is split between the most expensive and third most expensive media markets in the nation, running a statewide campaign in Jersey is inordinately expensive.

On top of that, Republicans have been losing power and influence in the state legislature. The more their numbers decrease and their minority status increases, the tougher it becomes to influence legislation. Less influence leads to lesser fundraising capabilities.

This brings us to where we are today. It is a situation where few Republicans seem poised to be able to run a truly competitive and viable campaign for Governor. The only two potential candidates who might be willing and are able to overcome the obstacles to a successful campaign are soon to be former U.S. Attorney. Chris Christie and the resourceful, bright, determined, bio tech millionaire John Crowley.

Chris Christie’s efforts combating crime in New Jersey have garnered him incredibly positive and popular name identification and with that, the ability to raise the funds needed for a campaign with any chance of winning.

John Crowley‘s inspirational story and his personal wealth might make him another possible contender. A wealthy, New Jersey, political outsider who has a heart of gold and the pockets to match it. He is an innovator and an achiever. After establishing a bio tech company for the purpose of saving his newborn children from a rare and fatal disease, John Crowley has proven himself to have the determination and ability to solve problems and improve the lives of New Jesey residents lives.

In any case, the choices for a gubernatorial candidate who has all the right qualifications and resources, at this time, are limited. I for one am looking at all the potential candidates. For a more detailed assessment of them check out this highlighted POLITICS 24/7 post.

This leads us to why Politics 24/7 has begun an effort for the Lieutenant Governor spot.

Whichever possible candidate can prove themselves to be most qualified and to has the ability to tap into the resources needed to compete, there is one person who would be their best choice for a running mate.

State Senator jennifer Beck

State Senator Jennifer Beck

That person is State Senator Jennifer Beck.

When it comes to adding value and enthusiasm to the ticket, Senator Beck wins hands down. Her proven ability as a campaigner exceeds most others in today’s political arena.

When over the past few election cycles, Republicans were losing seats in the assembly and senate, Jennifer Beck won them back for us. She has won uphill battles in elections where Democrats outnumbered Republicans by margins that would have made most Republican operatives look the other way and avoid having their perceived, expected loss, added to their records.

As a councilwoman, assemblywoman and state senator, Jennifer Beck appealed not to the partisan tendencies in us but the collective goodwill among us. Independents and Democrats alike warmed to her approach to problem solving and government policies. Yet she did so not by trying to be politically expedient by trying to sound like a liberal. She did so by articulating conservative values in a way that appealed to those who she sought to lead.

And lead she did.

In just a relatively short time in Trenton as a legislator, Senator Beck established a solid and trusted reputation for herself. The type of reputation that our gubernatorial needs. it’s a reputation for clean government and positive reform. A reputation for innovation, fiscal responsibility and government accountability.

Between her appeal and ability as a candidate and communicator, and her legislative policy direction, Jennifer Beck would not only be a plus for the GOP ticket, but she will be a plus for the state of New Jersey and its citizens.

With Jennifer Beck, New Jerseyans will have a the security of knowing that should the need arise, we would inherit a true advocate of and for the people of New Jersey at the helm. Her steady hand will be a source of confidence that we need.

Furthermore, as stated in the constitutional amendment creating the office of the Lieutenant Governor, The Governor can appoint the Lieutenant Governor to lead any cabinet position excluding the position of Attorney General.

By granting a cabinet position to Lieutenant Governor Beck, the state will not just have some lady in waiting, sitting behind closed doors, but a hands on head of government applying her great abilities each and every day to specific responsibilities that we, the people, can benefit from.

So today, I officially launch this site, “The Jennifer Beck for Lieutenant Governor” blog and welcome any and all Republicans who have any vision to join me in getting the ball rolling.

No matter who receives our nomination for Governor, Jennifer Beck is an asset whose involvement on the ticket will boost our fortunes and prepare New Jersey for the next generation of leadership.

With that in mind, today POLITICS 24/7 proudly introduces JENNIFER BECK FOR LIEUTNANT GOVERNOR, a blog site created for building a grass root network of Republicans who intend to make it known that we expect and urge our nominee for Governor to tap State Jennifer Beck for Lieutenant Governor.

In accordance with the state constitution, the Republican nominee for Governor must select a running mate within 30 days of winning the nomination and the person should be JenniferBeck

Part of this effort utilizes a petition which makes our intention known and will be presented to whomever wins the nomination on the day after such a victory is determined.

I ask that any and all New Jersey residents to sign the online petition.

As a the process of deciding New Jersey’s future unfolds many things may change but the fact that we need to restore responsible, effective and constructive leadership in Trenton still remains. That being the case, today the grassroots of the Republican party begins an effort that sets a standard for the upcoming election. It is a standard set by the person who is our focus of our attention, Jennifer Beck. If she is not to be our nominee for Governor in 2009, then the individual who will be the nominee must reach the standard standards set by her. Then they must also make her their running mate and possibly New Jersey’s first Lieutenant Governor.

So I invite you all to visit JENNIFER BECK FOR LIEUTNANT GOVERNOR. Republican ticket in next There you will be able to find out more about Senator Beck, including, among other things, her voting record and biographical information.

Thank you!!

Yours truly in republicanism;


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