Tag Archives: Essex county


U.S. Senator Kirsten Giilibrand

U.S. Senator Kirsten Giilibrand

Bookmark and Share    When it was first announced that New York Governor David Paterson was appointing Congresswoman Kirsten Gillibrand to replace Secretary of State Hillary Roddam Clinton in the U.S. Senate, many of you may have been saying Kirsten who? And with good reason.She is little known to most living outside of the upstate New York region and has only served one full term in Congress after defeating incumbent Republican Congressman John Sweeney.

Gillibrand’s Congressional district is a fairly conservative oriented district, especially when it comes to fiscal issues and getting elected in her district is an intricate process that involves a great deal of bridge building.

You see, the 20th Congressional district takes in parts of 10 different New York counties spanning the Adirondacks, Catskills and Hudson Valley. Winning in her district takes a great deal of deal making.

It involves a lot of ring kissing in the rough and tumble world of New York politics.

To win in the 20th district you need to get your parties nomination and in this case that involves the county

Gillibrands Congressional District Covered Parts of  Columbia, Dutchess, Delaware, Essex, Greene, Otsego, Rensselaer, Saratoga, Warren, and Washington Counties

Gillibrand's Congressional District Covered Parts of Columbia, Dutchess, Delaware, Essex, Greene, Otsego, Rensselaer, Saratoga, Warren, and Washington Counties

chairmen and county committees of not one or two, but ten different counties. That’s a lot of favors to commit to.

So the fact that Gillibrand was able to win her party’s nomination for anything in the 20th district says volumes about her political savvy. Which is probably one reason why Paterson picker Gillibrand to replace Hillary.

Paterson is going to need a great deal of political savvy to win election to governor in his own right. Which leads us to another reason why Paterson may have appointed Gillibrand to the U.S. Senate.

Kirsten Gillabrand’s selection may have been one of the first steps in Patersons reelection effort, an effort that he will need plenty of help in.

Gillibrand happens to be pretty conservative for a modern day Democrat, which is one reason why Paterson has been catching a lot of flack for picking her. One liberal columnist predicts that both Paterson and Gillibrand will be kicked out of office in the next election.

In the case of David Paterson, I find that funny.

Paterson the son of well known Manhattan liberal State Senator, Basil Paterson, is the epitome of the liberal ideology who was born and raised in a liberal political family. As a politician he is a pro-quota, pro-abortion, pro-spending, pro-tax, pro illegal immigrant, anti school voucher, liberal. He is as liberal as they come, yet because he selected Gillibrand, liberal activists want him out.

Well the joke is on them.

He’s theirs and he is there to stay. He is staying mainly due to the fact that he appointed Kirsten Gillibrand.

New York Governor David Paterson

New York Governor David Paterson

The appointment of Gillibrand was a deal. It was a deal that would help take , of all things, pressure from conservatives off of Paterson.

Not conservative thinking people but New York Conservative Party members.

You see New York’s Conservative party is not really a political party. It is a patronageorganization.

They endorse candidates based upon how many jobs they can get for the endorsement. If the Democrat can offer more than the Republican than the Democrat gets the endorsement.

New York Conservative party officials come across principled especially on the issue of abortion. But when it comes to jobs they abandon their abortion stance quicker then the time it takes for a terrorist on a suicide mission to blow themselves up.

That is why there are so many Democrats who run with the Conservative endorsement. Many of them are pro-choice Democrats and many of them have at least 3 or 4 Conservatives on their payroll.

Kirsten Gillibrand did not have the Conservative party endorsement last time around, but expect her to have it when she runs for re-election as a senator.

Although she is pro-abortion, she has a great deal of conservative positions including on the issue of the right to bear arms. On fiscal matters, as a congresswoman she is more conservative than many Republicans. She voted against the last few bailout programs proposed. So there is room for cover for Conservative party members in their potential support for her but if that is the case, be sure to also look at her payroll and the conservative party members that will be on it.

As for Paterson, he most likely got a handshake and a promise from Conservative party officials who in turn for appointing Gillibrand to the senate, promise two things..

  1. Not to cross endorse the Republican nominee for Governor and
  2. To run only token opposition against Paterson on the Conservative party line.

That could help split the Republican vote and give Paterson some breathing room in his reelection effort and allows him to appeal to his now peeved liberal base.

Such a deal works well for Paterson. By appointing the congresswoman whose district garnered support from 10 different counties, Paterson probably ended up better than if he appointed Andrew Cuomo.

I mean after all, Andrew Cuomo was not going to get all that far against Paterson, the state’s first African- American Governor.

Andrew Cuomo already opposed the states first black candidate for Governor, Carl McCall, who once won the nomination but lost the elecetion to Republican Governor George Pataki.

Rudy Giuliani

Rudy Giuliani

For Andrew Cuomo to oppose a sitting Governor who happens to also be black, would be suicidal.

So Paterson is in a good position despite the bad state of affairs in New York and his bad decisions as governor.

The only real threat that could present itself is if Rudy Giuliani were to run. But if he was to run, the conservative split, set in motion by the Gillabrand appointment, has already helped to make it that much tougher for Rudy to beat Paterson and the same would hold true if he ran against Gillibrand for the U.S. Senate.

Conservatives hate Rudy Giuliani. He refuses to play ball with them and so they refused to endorse any of the three times that he ran for Mayor of New York City and if he runs for Governor, they are more than likely to find themselves running against him again.

So the bottom line is that the Gillibrand appointment was not a stupid one.

It was a smart choice. It was a choice that gained Paterson some respect from voters because of his bucking the establishment and not picking any heir apparent. It also did not anger moderate voters who would have held some animosity for Paterson for picking some leftwing radical.

Stupid. I think not!                                                            Bookmark and Share



Three contractors are bidding to fix a broken fence at the Governor’s Mansion…

…in Springfield, Illinois; One from Chicago, another from Tennessee, & a third from Kentucky. They all go with to examine the fence.

The Tennessee contractor takes out a tape measure and does some measuring, then works some figures with a pencil.

“Well”, he says, “I figure the job will run about $900: $400 for materials, $400 for my crew and $100 profit for me.”

The Kentucky contractor also does some measuring and figuring, then says, ‘I can do this job for $700: $300 for materials, $300 for my crew and $100 profit for me.’

The Chicago contractor doesn’t measure or figure, but leans over to and whispers, ‘$2,700.’

The Governor is incredulous and whispers back, ‘You didn’t even measure like the other guys! How did you come up with such a high figure?’

The Chicago contractor whispers back, ‘$1000 for me, $1000 for you, and we hire that guy from Kentucky to fix the fence.’

‘Done!’ replies . And that my friends, is how it all works in Illinois politics!!!Submitted by Bill, Ardmore, Pa.


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antgovcoruptPOLITICS 24/7 has often stated that not only is state government too big but that there are too many governments in the state.

Based on the relatively small size of New Jersey, why there is a need for more than 650 municipal governments, is beyond me. Drive down any road in New Jersey and you will find yourself entering a new and different town every 3 or 4 minutes.

As stated here in the past, the proliferation of governments in this state is actually a major part of the problems that we face in the state.

The affordability crisis we are enduring is in large part due to the costs of operating all these governments. It costs a lot of money to operate and employ all these fire departments, police departments, borough halls, staffs, permit departments, and so on and so on.

It also creates an atmosphere ripe with the opportunity for corruption. Between the patronage, construction and service contracts, the ability to “spread the wealth around” runs rampant. But the wealth that is spread around is that of the taxpayers. While their wealth is taken away from them, those in charge of spreading it are doing so among their own friends, families, mistresses and fellow power brokers.

The existing arrangement has helped to make government one of the largest employers in the state. It has also helped to define New Jersey as one of the most state corrupt states in the Union, a title often in dispute with Louisiana but recently surpassed only by Illinois.

The arrest of Illinois’ Democrat Governor, Rod Blagojevich, for trying to sell President-Elect Obama’s newly available senate seat, along with other sleazy intentions, has helped take the title away from us. But we are still among the three most corrupt states at the top of that list.

Bridge commissioners, state contractors, council members, freeholders, county executives, judicial officials, cabinet members, party chairmen, state senators, assembly members and more have all been getting arrested, indicted, and sentenced in astonishing numbers.

Just today a former assembly candidate pleaded guilty in the same bribery scandal that took out his opponent for that same assembly seat.

For the past seven years, potential Republican candidate for Governor, former U.S. Attorney Chris Christie, has largely been responsible for exposing and successfully prosecuting the government corruption that has caused much of the public to lose their faith in public servants.

Having first hand experience with combating corruption, Christie knows about what he speaks of and today, speaking before an event sponsored by the New Jersey Business and Industry Association and Cherry Hill Regional Chamber of Commerce, the former crime buster stated that the reason for all the corruption in New Jersey was because “we just have too much government.”

Now that what we at POLITICS 24/7 have known all along has been confirmed by an expert in the area, what do we do about?

Well first of all, New Jersey needs to embark on the initiatives of others like Senator Joe Kyrillos of Monmouth County.

Senator Kyrillos has been pushing for consolidation. The type of consolidation which would make some of New Jersey’s less populous towns merge with larger neighboring towns.

This measure was actually proposed in legislation first sponsored by a former assemblyman, Republican Michael Arnone.

In the late ‘90’s, Assemblyman Arnone saw the need to curtail the spreading of governments in New Jersey the same way that we try to prevent the spreading of the flu.

Like a disease, the inordinate number of governments, along with their increasing size scope and staffs, have infected the state with a governing class that survives by doling out plumb, patronage positions and entering into corrupt contracts filled with kickbacks.

Does consolidation solve our problem? Nope, it sure doesn’t. Greed and other less attractive qualities that are sometimes a part of human nature will always exist. However, with less governments available for corruption to breed in, the less corruption will be born.

For me, Chris Christie’s remark is promising.

If he truly believes what he said, it may bode well for his possible candidacy. Small government conservatives will certainly appreciate the direction that his comment would take us in. Now if he can only expand on that remark.

If he does run for the Republican gubernatorial nomination, will he help to do more than offer lip service to state consolidation? Will he provide the initiatives of Senator Kyrillos with the type of support that is needed to influence liberal lawmakers to pass such measures?

Whether Christie runs or not, we need more leaders who are willing to solve our problems by acknowledging what the problems are and in New Jersey the problem is government.


In international news, 60% of the people in the country of Jordan say they find Americans to be rude. Actually, that’s not so bad, when you consider 60% of people in other Middle Eastern countries think we’re Satan. …We’re moving up!

-Jay Leno

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Last week POLITICS 24/7 began planting the seeds of a grassroots effort in the Garden State. It is a campaign to persuade whomever becomes the Republican nominee for Governor to select State Senator Jennifer Beck as their running mate.

For this effort a new blog site was created. It is titled, Jennifer Beck for Lieutenant Governor of New Jersey. Please visit it by clicking on to its highlighted name.

There you will find all the information you need to know why we have started this movement. On the site you will find pages dealing with the campaign, Senator Beck’s voting record, her bio, the latest news in regards to her legislative efforts and this campaign, videos and also the petition which this whole campaign comes down to.

Please be sure to sign the petition urging our eventual nominee for Governor to select State Senator Beck as their running mate and our nominee for Lieutenant Governor.

Also be sure to pass the link on to other New Jersey voters. Simply cut the following url……


…..and paste it into an email to your friends that urges them to lend their support to the cause.

So far the this effort is working. With no money to spread the word, I am relying on word of mouth, the Internet and earned media. To date we have been contacted by The Star Ledger, The Asbury Park Press, The Two Rivers Times, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Politickernj.com and numerous blog and news oriented web sites. Each have, thankfully, published positive stories about the campaign and there will be more coverage to come.

Currently, our efforts are focused on establishing direct contact with voters through the Internet.

In that vein, we have expanded our effort to Facebook.com, where we started a Jennifer Beck For Lt. Gov. group.
You can find it and join it by going to the following link:


Since yesterday, by taking this route, 42 new, interested and excited members have joined the campaign and many have signed the petition.

We have also created another group platform on an Internet site recently created by Patrick Ruffini, a brilliant Republican, strategist and computer whiz. It is called Rebuild The Party and can be found at rebuildtheparty.com .

On Rebuild The Party is our own group for Jennifer Beck:


There too, you can get involved and be a part of this effort to shape a winning, gubernatorial ticket for Republicans in November of ’09.

If you would like to play a role in the petition campaign for Jennifer Beck, your efforts will be greatly appreciated. We could use individuals who are familiar with the Internet. I would really like someone to head up an outreach effort on MySpace.com.

With no financial budget, this grassroots campaign has to sprout up wherever possible and places like MySpace are just right for us. They’re free!

In time, our campaign will be looking to appoint county coordinators. These individuals will help to scoop up all the signatures for our on line petition that they possibly can in their counties. that type of focus will help to maximize our efforts. But that will come further down the long road ahead of us.

In the meantime I truly hope to hear from you and thank you for your interest in the campaign. If you have any questions or would like more information about this campaign for Jennifer Beck, please feel free to reach me at LiberalsRlosers@aol.com . It is an easy email address to remeber. That’s liberals, R, losers, at aol.com.

Hope to see you soon!


Q: What is the best job an Iraqi can have?

A: Foreign Ambassador

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