Tag Archives: carla katz

Big Labor Unions. Are They a Big Help or Just a Big Business?

Bookmark and ShareBig labor unions have recently been in the forefront of political expression.
Since last summer many unions have had their members clash with Tea Party protesters.   Some even pretended to be Tea Party protesters and made and carried inflammatory  signs  in an attempt to define participants of the Tea Party movement as racists.  On several occasions union members even physically attacked Tea Party protesters.
Recently in New Jersey, dozens of public service unions hired busses and bodies to attend what was billed as one of the largest protests of its kind.   It was a protest aimed at New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.   Not long ago, he blamed the New Jersey Education Association for creating two classes of people in the state, one that pays for rich pensions and the other that enjoys rich pensions. Then he proposed a cap increase on public employee wages and benefits at 2.5 percent annually and added to that  a measure that would replace pensions with employee contribution plans. So more than 35,000 union members from allover the region descended upon Trenton to threaten Governor Christie for his fiscal responsibility.

Not long after that, hundreds of Service Employee Internationaly Union members trespassed on the property of a bank executive’s home to protest the activities of the Bank he works for, Bank of America. The man was not home, and so the 500 or more angry union hacks simply terrorized the bank executive’s 14 year old son, who hid from the unruly mob in the bathroom.

Now the SEIU is protesting the state of Arizona because they do not like the fact that Arizona is doing what the federal government fails to do…..enforce immigration laws.

All of this got me thinking about big labor unions and their activities, tactics and even their purpose.

Where do we  begin?

Do we begin with the fact that many big labor unions have outlived their purpose and lost track of their original purpose?

Do we begin with the fact that they have become “for profit” businesses of their own that rake in lucrative salaries for big labor’s leaders and managers at the sake of their members? Do we even begin to address the fact that the liberal-Democrat federal regime is taking taxpayer money and the dividends of shareholders of auto companies and giving them, not to employees, but to unions?.

Labor unions were borne out of a true need for better wages and working conditions in the early 1900’s.

At the time, there was no Department of Labor, there was no minimum wage, there were hardly any federal safety codes, no OSHA, no inspectors, and essentially nothing that prevented a business owner from taking advantage of hard working people whose livelihoods were at the mercy of the business owner and managers.

Unions provided that, and ultimately led to the creation of federal laws that have in many ways made unions, less necessary. And so unions deserve a certain amount of credit for making life better for working Americans and overall, for improving the quality of life in America in general.

So while before the rise of unions in the 1900’s a working class American had no protections, now they have many. They exist in the form of federal and state laws.

The redundancy of these protections has essentially turned contemporary big labor unions into boondoggles for union leadership and management that make them rich off of the sweat of their working class membership. And while unions force the working class American to pay costly dues, the leaders of public unions also hold entire states hostage as they threaten to strike and stop the productivity of their workers in order to take more money from their customers….the citizens of those states.

Unions have destroyed a state like of New Jersey.

Between pensions, exorbitantly high minimum annual pay raises and state contracts that are hammered out through extortion and patronage, taxes can’t be raised fast enough to account for the unduly high costs incurred to state government by its public workers unions. In New Jersey, the biggest culprits are the teacher’s New Jersey Education Association union and the Communications Workers Association union. Governor Chris Christie has made it clear that these once well intentioned unions have become enemies of the state. So what do they do in turn? The teachers union, which cries poverty, has spent millions of dollars to put ads on the air against Governor Christie. For a bunch of people who are in such need of money, they sure know how to spend it, and it isn’t on “the children”.

And in the mean time, who is on board and in bed with this contemporary union Ponzi scheme……well in New Jersey, former Governor, liberal-Democrat Jon Corzine, was the boyfriend of now former Communications Workers Association President Carla Katz. And up until his recent resignation as head honcho of the Service Employees International Union, White House records show that Andy Stern, former president of the SEIU, was THE MOST FREQUENT VISITOR to the White House…..the most frequent visitor.
You see how much access to power you get when you donate $70 million in campaign contributions to Democrats, as did the SEIU?

Of course it is Andy Stern being wined and dined in the White House and bedded in the Lincoln Bedroom, not the hard working union members who have a portion of their salary garnished by the union that they are often forced to join in order to get the job that they want.

When you think about it, the marriage between big labor and liberal-Democrats is more than just a marriage of convenience. It is a perfect pairing of harmonious synchronicity where one hand washes the other so thoroughly, that you can hardly make out the fingerprints that they leave at the scene of their economic crimes.

One does not even begin to realize how much the liberal laws-to-union demand ratio, raises the price of everything and overall cost of life in America. And many refuse to see the basic problem that unions are presenting to entire economies.

While we see that private sector wages and benefits have stalled during the current economic climate, many state and local governments are continuously forced to increase the compensation packages and salaries of public workers.

In 2008, while state and local workers received combined salaries and benefit packages of $1.1 trillion. That amounted to exactly one half of the total spending by state and local governments. In 2009, those compensation packages amounted to more than half of the total spending by state and local governments. And in the coming years these costs are expected to continue to rapidly rise because of increasingly lucrative compensation and benefit packages. Not to mention health care costs too. Can you say “increased deficit”?

The bottom line is that unions have made themselves too expensive to do business with and states cannot afford their ponzi schemes. The financial costs of union demands are rapidly outpacing the revenue of the states that they hold hostage. And at the same time, the added costs of union demands which is built into the cost of everything from items purchased and services provided, often prices those goods and services out of the reach of the consumer. And ironically, it even puts many of those goods and services out of the reach of the consumer who is also a union member that is paying union dues to wealthy American labor leaders.

Now you can argue that while Democrats are in the pocket of big labor, Republicans are in the pocket of big business. But your argument would be weak. Democrats are on par with Republicans when it comes to donations from big business. Just look at BP and their contributions to President Obama. But when it comes to “big labor unions” few of them are donating $70 million to Republicans as the SEUI did to Democrats.

Furthermore; while the laws that regulate business in the areas of working conditions, minimum wages, time off, insurance, paid leave etc., are practically infinitesimal, the number of laws that regulate big unions pale in comparison. In fact if anything, there are far more laws that give big union all the advantages. No business can demand that you pay them back $45.00 a week to keep your job. Yet the laws are written so that in order to get certain jobs, you must pay a union to represent you whether you want them to or not.

Not all unions are abusive and there does still remain a need for organized representation of workers interests among management, but such a collective representation does not require it to become a business of its own that provides perks and pay to people who call a dinner meeting work. This does not mean that a public sector union such as a transportation union, should be able to shut down the entire infrastructure and economy of entire cities. It just means that unions that are sincere about their mission, need to scale back their political agenda and focus on the real needs of their members without screwing over the taxpayers and consumers who pay their salaries.

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 State of the StateBookmark and Share    So New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine issued his State of the State address in Trenton.

He told us things don’t look good. He said the nation and the world are in the middle of tough economic times.

To help things out, the Governor has promised road repairs and that he will help those less fortunate than us. That says a lot. I mean compared to the over 400 million golden parachute that Corzine had after being booted from Wall Street and Goldman Sachs, everyone is less fortunate than him.

The sad fact is that under the last three years of Jon Corzine, all New Jerseyans really are less fortunate. He raised taxes by almost $2 billion and spent us into 2.1 billion dollars of debt. So under Corzine it cost more to live in Jersey and we got less. Unless of course you are Carla Katz and the communications workers union. They got more and they have also made it clear that they want more yet.

A spokesman for the CWA recently warned that when the Governor said that everyone is going to have give a little during the coming year, the CWA will not do so. They have made it clear that they won’t give an inch or a cent and that everything the Governor promised them is going to be taken by them. Now you know why the Sopranos‘s was filmed in Jersey.

Corzine’s sad state of the state had to be one of the most bland, uninspiring and bleak speeches given by a politician in recent memory. It almost made you wish you had the chance to listen to impeached Governor Rod Balgojevich recite more English poets in between his repeated cries of innocence. At least Blagojevich provided some dramatic backdrop for his story. Corzine had nothing.

You would think that at a time like this, New Jersey citizens could use a little something to go on that could give us the ability to hold on to hope for better economic times in the state. But there was nothing.

Perhaps the most interesting statements made by Corzine were those he said during the last quarter of his excuse,…..I mean address.

He said he agreed with the proposals of many Republican lawmakers who want more transparency in government and who want the state’s budgets to be available for the public to review.

Republicans like State Senator Jennifer Beck have been urging these things for years but I guess with nothing else to say or point to, Corzine was left with no alternative but to admit that the Republican proposals were good and needed to be adopted.

The other statement of mention came when Corzine said, that the one thing you can count on is that he will say what he means. That is actually quite profound especially coming from him the day after he won a court case that allowed the Governor to keep what he said to his ex-girlfriend, Carla Katz, during state contract negotiations with the local CWA union that she was the President of at the time.

The Governor actually asks us to believe what he says, yet most of what he says is kept secret.

Now that is liberal logic for you.




  • When you shake hands with him, two of your fingers are suddenly missing.
  • He has an off shore corporation based in the Bahamas that supposed to sell bananas.
  • Instead of calling him “congressman” his employees call him “boss”.
  • He has a wife at home, another in D.C., a maid, a housekeeper, a college intern, an out of college intern, and three more secretaries than he needs.
  • He has a house in your district, but he never lives there, and one in Las Vegas, another in Costa Rica, another in D.C., another in Spain.
  • Everyone pays him–the gardener, the garbageman, the cable guy, the local councilman, the mayor, the CEO from the airline, his mistress, his dog and the goldfish.
  • The only way he gets to talk before the television cameras is if he is indicted.
  • At roll call, he always seems to be on a foreign junket.
  • Everyone else pays his bills.
  • His pictures appear in his district at election time, but he can never make those debates that he scheduled.
  • His dog is named “Bugsy”.
  • All of his real estate holdings pay no taxes.
  • His apartment buildings are run down and need of attention.
  • His daughter and son are running for student council, and Dad is supporting them with a ticker tape parade down the school hallway.
  • His guest list at his parties include labor leaders, politicians,
  • Miss America winners, Miss Universe Winners, some business men with lots of money and nobody from the press.
  • His suits come from Paris instead of “Suit Bargain Express”.
  • His headquarters is in a high-rise.
  • He never looks straight at you when he shakes your hand.
  • After he does so, you notice that your rings are missing.
  • His fillings in his mouth are now made of gold.
  • His wife is driving his old Cadillac. His mistress is driving the new Lexus, and she is driving him.
  • He has pictures of well-known politicians on his wall-with names such as “Lucky” and “Big Jim” and “Shifty”.
  • He spends more time in Las Vegas than he does in Washington.
  • You only see him in the district around election time.


Submitted by Bruce, Carol Stream, Illinois

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Assemblyman Richard Merkt recently proposed to slash the salaries of New Jersey lawmakers by 10%.However, the Assemblyman is a candidate for the Republican gubernatorial nomination and the proposal could be viewed as an election gimmick. Then again, everything that any lawmaker does can be seen as a election gimmick.

In light of the recent pay raise of federal legislators, Merkt’s proposal is a noble one and worth looking at.

So his point is well taken. Times are tough and our representatives should be willing to make sacrifices and at least pretend to be empathetic to the people whose lives they affect.

Besides, lawmakers are partially responsible for any state’s economy including the one we are currently in here in Jersey so they should be more directly effected. I say they are partly responsibly because not everything is their fault. Nature, world events and human stupidity outside of Trenton politics, all play a part. But our lawmakers are elected to both steer us and our state economy in the right direction and to help our state better cope with the situations that we are dealt.

That being the case, it can easily be said that the current state legislature has not done a good job.

New Jersey has led the way in economic trouble over the past few years and under the direction of Governor Jon Corzine, the state legislature has been ill equipped at handling the situation. In fact, together the Democrat controlled state legislature and Democrat Governor have made matters worse.

Together they raised taxes, increased fees made it harder to do business in New Jersey and expanded opportunities for government corruption.

It could be said that Republicans bare no responsibility for this situation since they do not control any branch of state government. I can agree with that but it still doesn’t get Republicans off the hook.

Both parties have failed the people of New Jersey to one degree or another.

Democrats have failed to do anything right and Republicans have failed at convincing anyone that they could do better.

Given these circumstances, I have a more interesting proposal than Assemblyman Merkt’s.

How about we link state legislative and executive salaries to the economy and taxes of the state that they run.

Currently New Jersey State Assembly members and Senators make $49,000 a year.

I say let us reduce those salaries to a base of $41.000 a year and then use the following standard.

  1. For every percent or portion of a percentage that any given legislature raises income and property taxes, their salaries are decreased by 2%. For every percentage or degree of a percentage that they decrease income and property taxes their salaries can be raise by half of one percent.
  2. For every percent or portion of a percentage that they raise a sales or service tax, their salaries also decrease by that same percentage. Conversely, their salaries can be raised by half a percent for every full percent of a decrease in such taxes.
  3. For any new tax created, their salaries are reduced by 2% plus the equivalent percentage of that new tax.
  4. Every toll increase passed during any legislative session is matched by a reduction in legislative salaries that equal to the percentage of that increase.
  5. And finally, state legislative salaries are further reduced by the same number of percentage points that the state’s unemployment rate is whenever it exceeds 4%.

To make it fair. Newly elected legislators would not be held accountable for the taxes and economic situation that any previous legislative session, which they did not have a hand in, was responsible for, and so they would start with the base pay of 41K.

Of course, such measures would not prevent rich people like Governor Jon Corzine from raising fees and taxes, misappropriating funds and offering sweet heart deals to sweethearts like Carla Katz. After all, Corzine took a $400 million golden parachute from Wall Street and doesn’t even accept his salary for Governor but this system could help to make less well off lawmakers work a little harder to address our problems and to fight the wealthy Governor. Having their own pockets linked to what they pick out of ours could just help to make them finally work together for the benefit of themselves as well as us. Maybe such a pay scale system will help to really create a sense of bipartisanship?

Perhaps if the lawmakers of New Jersey had their financial well being directly linked to the state’s financial well being and our own financial opportunities, maybe tax increases and increased fees for everything from driving to landscaping and joining a gym will be viewed as a last resort. Like it should be.

Perhaps by immediately linking their decisions directly to their own incomes, they may better empathize with the financial impact that they bring to bare on those they are representing .

You could say that it is not fair to those who vote against penalizing taxes or policies that drive businesses away and raise the unemployment in the state. That might be so, but, those who simply voted against something are still culpable. They have more than a responsibility to vote against such measures. They have the responsibility of leadership and the responsibility of making their case and doing it so well that a preponderance of people in the state as well as the legislature are persuaded by their arguments. They must convince people why others are wrong and they are right. Failing to do so is a failure that they share in common with those who support regressive economic policies.

So Assemblyman Merkt’s proposed 10 % reduction in salary is nice.

It is certainly going in a direction far better than the 2.8% pay increase that Congress is willing to take, at of all times, now. But the gesture Merkt is making could be made more meaningful and be more enduring. By linking legislative salaries to their actions we are adding a new incentive to politics and a new level of innovation……..political merit pay. If you do a good job and keep a good economy going you get paid better.

Is this crazy?

Maybe it is. Maybe it is as far fetched as a State Senator taking money from a no show job given to him by a school funded with state money that the same State Senator helped procure with tax payer dollars that he helped get through the state legislature. Maybe this political merit pay scale sounds just as crazy as that same corrupt State Senator getting his state funded pension after ripping the state off and being convicted.

But just like former *Senator Wayne Bryant, it may sound crazy but it could be true if like Wayne Bryant, we just did it.


*Wayne Bryant pressured officials of University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey  to create a no-show job  that  allowed him to lobby himsef’ for taxpayer funds. Bryant also chaired the Senate Appropriations comittee which Funneled large sums of taxpayers dollare to UMDNJ.

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I was talking to a friend of mine’s little girl the other day.

I asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up and she replied, 

I want to be President!” 

Both of her parents are liberal Democrats and were standing there. So then I asked her, “If you were President what would be the first thing you would do?”

She replied, “I’d give houses to all the homeless people.” 

“Wow – what a worthy goal.” I told her, “You don’t have to wait until you’re President to do that. You can come over to my house and mow, pull weeds, and sweep my yard, and I’ll pay you $50. Then I’ll take you over to the grocery store where this homeless guy hangs out, and you can give him the $50 to use toward a new house.” 

Since she is only 6, she thought that over for a few seconds. While her Mom glared at me, she looked me straight in the eye and asked,

“Why doesn’t the homeless guy come over and do the work, and you can just pay him the $50?” 

And I said, “Welcome to the Republican Party.” 

Her folks still aren’t talking to me.

 Submitted by Dick, Williamsport, Md

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This morning Chris Christie officially declared that he will make a run for the Republican nomination for Governor official during the first week of February.


With access to lists of Republican supporters and activists collected by Christie supporters such as State Senator Joe Kyrillos, the former prosecutor sent the following message.

Dear Friend,

This morning I am filing papers to begin the process to become a candidate for the Republican nomination for Governor of New Jersey.

I did not take this step lightly. It was only after careful consideration and consultation with my family that I decided to become a candidate.

New Jersey is broken. New Jersey’s taxes have become so unaffordable that more families are leaving our state than moving here. Our state’s business tax climate is ranked 50th in the nation and has become so unattractive to employers that only government jobs are growing in New Jersey. Yet nothing in Trenton gets done to fix these problems.

We can change this. We can solve these problems if we’re willing to make the tough decisions.

In my seven years as your United States Attorney, I didn’t shy away from any of the tough decisions. I took on corporate greed, political corruption, terrorism and environmental polluters. Public officials from both parties were prosecuted for corruption – more than 130 were convicted, and not one was acquitted. Corporate executives who cheated their companies and hurt their workers were successfully prosecuted. Terrorist plots were disrupted; polluters punished.

Many didn’t believe we could win these battles. We did, and with strong leadership we will win the fight for Governor and change this state for the better.

My formal announcement for Governor will come in the first week in February and I hope you will join us (I will email you the details). With strong leadership now, we can fix our broken state and make it more affordable for all New Jersey families.


Chris Christie

The filing of papers with the State Board of Elections to begin making his his candidacy for Governor of New Jersey a reality is about time.

For Christie to stall his decision to run or not run any longer would be detrimental to both his own success and our party’s success.

It is no secret that he would probably be running and to begin with a late, or later start than he already intends, only makes things tougher for the G.O.P. than they may already be.

From the message sent out by Christie, which essentially makes his intentions clear, one can see that the soon to be candidate for the Republican nomination for Governor of New Jersey is banking on a campaign that will play up his prosecutorial, clean government credentials and business interests.

Those are important issues however, Christie would be wise to highlight the damage done to the citizens of New Jersey due to the anti business climate that Corzine and Democrats have created in the state more than just the desire of businesses. The focus needs to be on the people. By simply making himself the “pro-business” candidate, Christie will fall into a trap that Democrats are great at. It is a trap that, in the minds of voters, Democrats perpetuate a sense that Republicans are the party for big business.

So Christie needs to carefully phrase his intentions to improve the environment for business in New Jersey.antchristiey


One of the most encouraging comments in his email was a reference to the fact that only government jobs are growing in New Jersey. If Christie can hammer home the fact that Democrats have made government a business that they treat like corrupt Wall Street, ponzi schemers and profit from at the sake of taxpayers, he may be on to a winning theme in November.

But first he must get our nomination.

It is my hope that Chris Christie will work hard for that nomination. He just might have to with people like Assemblyman Richard Merkt and former Mayor Steve Lonegan on his tail.

The two, especially Mayor Lonegan are going to be innovative in their approaches to government and in a time when Americans were wanting “change”, New Jerseyans are really wanting change. Business as usual is not something that New Jersey residents want from government and people like Steve Lonegan are anything but business usual. Many can see that as a refreshing change from the business as usual that we have gotten from the current administration in Trenton.

So once Christie does become an official candidate and starts campaigning as one, it will be interesting to see how he distinguishes himself from the pack and from your run of the mill politicians.

And the sooner he starts trying to do so, the better.


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It has been reported that Jack Kemp has cancer.

His office released the following statement:

“Mr. Kemp has been undergoing tests to determine the origin of the disease and the options for continued treatment. He will continue to serve as Chairman of Kemp Partners and plans to remain involved in his business, charitable and politically related activities. Mr. Kemp and his family are grateful for the thoughts and prayers of friends and appreciate respect for their privacy at this time”……….

To Read More, Go To:


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Governor Jon Corzine

Governor Jon Corzine

Governor Jon Corzine has declared that he is slashing New Jersey’s budget by as much as $812 million in order to close in on the state’s $2.1 billion budget gap.

Wow, a whopping $812 million dollars. That will do a lot. Well not really. But I guess Governor Corzine knows what he is doing. I mean after all, he is a Wall Street genius and we all know how smart those Wall Streeter’s are and he did have a golden parachute that earned him $4oo million dollars after he got pushed out of Goldman Sachs.

So maybe his $812 million in budget cuts are smart. I am not too sure though.

 When Jon Corzine first came to Trenton, in just six short months he increased taxes in New Jersey by almost $2 billion dollars. This happened after he ran for Governor promising to “control spending”.

Now Corzine is up for reelection and we have a budget deficit slightly larger than the total amount of revenue he raised in tax increases when he first took office.

I think we can safely say that Governor Corzine did not “controls spending”

Ponzi Schemer Bernie Madoff

Ponzi Schemer Bernie Madoff

In fact Governor Corzine has not controlled anything in New Jersey. What he has done is try to take his Wall Street experience and apply it to government. The problem is that his finance experience depends upon bailouts and golden parachutes. He has even delayed a presentation of New Jersey’s own annual budget till March in the hope that the federal government will come to his rescue. I bet you didn’t know that when we elected Barack Obama, he became the de facto finance chairman for New Jersey.

When it comes to budgets, Jon Corzine attended the Bernie Madoff School of Finance. It is located right next to the Jim McGreevey School of Ethics, where ,by the way, Governor Corzine also got a degree.

Disgraced Ex-Governor Jim McGreevey

Disgraced Ex-Governor Jim McGreevey

His major in finance and minor in ethics both came in handy during his secret negotiations with his former girlfriend Carla Katz, as the two hammered out a lucrative state contract that greatly benefited the Communication Workers Union that Katz presided over. For the Governor’s efforts, Katz and the CWA made out like bandits and taxpayers got suckered out of more money than investors in Madoff’s ponzi scheme. More than a year later and we’re still trying to figure out how that deal happened and the courts are figuring out exactly why Corzine and Katz refuse to release the details.

But all is well. The Governor has promised to make $812 million dollars in cuts to the budget. Some of the cuts include $11,000 from adolescent illiteracy, $4 million from The turnpike and parkway, $15 million from aid to municipalities and $75 million from public schools.

Never mind the over 83 aides that the Governor has earning a hundred thousand dollars or more a year. Never mind the countless patronage positions that exist in every school district, municipal government, state agency and legislative staff. Never mind the endless array of programs that government should not be involved in in any fashion. No, none of those things add up.

Let’s face it. Like everything else Jon Corzine has said or dne, it is meaningless. It is just like his first gesture when he

Jon Corzine

Jon Corzine

 initially took office. With generosity and sincerity of purpose, Jon Corzine made it clear that he would not accept the $175,000 annual salary that comes with the job. Oh boy, thank you Jon. That is so,….. it is so,……. so kind of you. I mean with a personal fortune in excess of $400 million dollars those few thousand must really be a great sacrifice for you.

Sarcasm aside, it was a publicity stunt and like everything else, the gesture was meaningless. It was not a sign of sincere intentions and it did not make a difference. Much like his entire tenure as Governor.

To date, the only significant action that New Jersey has encountered under his leadership was the abolishment of the death penalty in New Jersey and the worthiness of that achievement is quite debatable.

Other than that, he has raised taxes every chance he has gotten and he has pushed for increasing tolls on our roadways every year for decades to come. He even pushed for putting tolls on roads that don’t have any tolls.

The Hindenbyrg Going Down In Lakehurst, New Jersey

The Hindenburg Going Down In Lakehurst, New Jersey

Truth is, Jon Corzine is like the Hindenburg. He floats around like a big deal but instead of getting us from point A to point B, he explodes and unleashes a load of rubble allover the place. There is not a single problem that he has solved or improvement that he has created. All he has done is enter into shady deals, hire inept cabinet officials, tinker with budgets and raise taxes.

New Jersey really does need a change.

We need a leader who can take control of circumstances, not be controlled by circumstances. We need someone who can clean up the mess, not make a mess.

It is time for Republicans in New Jersey to get their act together.  The Republican Minority Leaders in the Senate and Assembly have better get on message.  They need to create and present their own budget, drop everything else and from High Point to Cape May, make that budget known.  They need to point to the empty list of  achievements that the Governor has accomplished and point out what the Democrat majorities in the legislature blocked.  Beyond pointing out what they did wrong and the right things that they didn’t do, Republicans need to make it clear what they would do and present New Jersey with their roadmap.

After that, we have to get rid of Corzine.

Ridding ourselves of him wont eliminate all of New Jersey’s problems but it will at least help prevent us from getting into more trouble.

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The rest of the world cannot understand how after bitter election campaigns

…….American politicians can return to reality. For instance, Sarah Palin has invited to her great state of Alaska the men who defeated her, Barack Obama and Joe Biden.

She has provided a moose hunting trip for their enjoyment and has hired two other prominent men to assist them. Dick Cheney will instruct them in safe gun handling, and Ted Kennedy will drive them back to their cabins in the evening.

What a gal! That Sarah is such a sport and thinks of everything!

Submitted by Bill, Ardmore, Pa.

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NEW JERSEY'S GOVERNOR. How corrupt is Corzine?

 While New Jersey competes with Illinois for the title of most corrupt state in the Union, Illinois’ soon to be former Governor, Rod Blagojevich isn’t the only state executive trying to keep secrets.

New Jersey’s own Governor, Jon Corzine, is in the courts as he tries to keep his negotiations with one of the state’s most powerful unions a secret.

 She claims that state arbitration laws demand that the talks remain secret.

Ain’t that convenient? Laws that demand the people be kept in the dark about the reasons behind why the government does what it does. Sounds like Lenin’s rules of order for the politiburo


IL. GOV. ROD BLAGOJEVICH. His secrets out but when will Corzine's be out?

Like more than half of the voters polled in New Jersey, I disagree with the Governor’s position. I believe that state negotiations for state contracts that spend the tax dollars of state residents should be an open and honest process. We should know what was offered and why. We should know what the union demanded and why. We should not be kept in the dark when it comes to finding out how own money is spent.

Governor Corzine and Carla Katz may want to keep the details of their negotiated deal a secret but that is not how a democratic form of an open and honest government works.

The two of them were not arranging how they were going to finance their next personal vacation to Hawaii. They were negotiating how to spend our tax dollars. That gives us the right to know how that arrangement was made.

With all the corruption in New Jersey government, you would think that the governor would want to stay above reproach. You would think that he would go out of his way to help regain voters faith in government. Especially since he succeeded a corrupt democrat governor who resigned under a patronage and financial scandal that he tried to overshadow by announcing he was a closeted “gay American” who was cheating on his wife.

As more and more political leaders and government employees are being arrested in New Jersey, we need to know that our incumbent governor can be trusted.


CARLA KATZ Former Union Boss and the Governor's former Girlfriend. Things could get "hairy" for the two of them.

By appealing the courts decision and fighting to keep his “official” talks with Carla Katz a secret, Jon Corzine is only raising suspicion and increasing our already lost faith in government.

Corzine may not know how to be a good Governor but he is not stupid. He realizes all of this, yet he still defies the obvious and clings to the documentation of his secret arrangements with the CWA’s former president and his own former girlfriend.

The people and the courts of New Jersey deserve to know what is in those emails between Corizne and Katz. None of us are asking for the disclosure of any pillow talk or personal realizations. We simply want to make sure that the CWA contract deal was made for all the right reason.


KATZ & CORZINE-Struggling on the dance floor and now in the courts

Corzine’s refusal to clear his name by turning these emails over to the proper authorities simply makes one believe that, like many other indicted and arrested New Jersey politicians, Corzine made a corrupt deal. That is not exactly the best impression that one can bring to the table in their bid for reelection. But until Governor Corzine releases those emails, he will be running for reelection with a smoking gun in his hand. Then again if the appellate courts reject Corzine’s appeal, he may not be running for reelection after all. Instead he just might join a long list of fellow former state legislators and a few other governors in federal prison.



“Give this motherf****r Obama his senator? F**k him. For nothing.

 F**k him.”   

~Soon to be former Illinois Governor Rod Blagovejich


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