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First there was “Girls Gone Wild” and their countless sequels. Then came “Boys Gone Wild” and even “Guys Gone Wild” and their continuous stream of subsequent follow ups. Volume after volume of guys and girls baring it all for hordes of horny, voyeurs hoping to satisfy their lusts through store bought compact discs.

Well hold on to your pants folks. Brace yourself for the newest edition of the “Gone Wild” series.

It’s “Liberals Gone Wild” and you wont have to call a 1-800 number and charge $19.95 for it with your credit card. All you have to do is vote for Barack Obama on Election Day and it will satisfy the lust of liberals all across the land. Their lusts. Lusts for bigger government and higher taxes. Their lusts for negotiating with terrorists and deciding America’s fate based on the opinions of the United Nations.

By simply voting for Barack Obama on Election Day all of this and more can be yours but it’s not free. It comes with a hefty price. It’s also broken. Liberals Gone Wild is not something you can turn off. You can’t just pop it out of your compact disc player and play something else. Liberals Gone Wild will stay on and run amuck, unimpeded and uninterrupted for at least two years.

 Once your vote for Obama buys you a copy of Liberals Gone Wild, you will be revealing more than bare breasts or swinging schlongs , you’ll be revealing the naked truth of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, the nations liberal leaders in the Senate and House of Representatives, and the revelation is not very attractive.

Their scantily clad objectives are not filled with any titillating sights or actions. The naked truth of their socialist agenda simply sets our nation on a course that is so radical and so closely aligned with socialism that our nation’s government will have more in common with Cuba than any of the intended principles of our own nation’s constitution.

In the past that constitution has insured that America’s greatest strength was always in it’s people.

Individual Americans have been the impetus to our success and history is strewn with examples of how our people’s sense of drive and responsibility won the day for us. Even when our nation faced it’s greatest challenges, any successful directions offered by our government was only made successful if and when the people were behind it. Yet, by voting for Barack Obama, we are essentially making it clear that we want the bureaucracy of a government to decide all that we should decide for ourselves.

Despite the importance of individuality and independent initiative and entrepreneurial spirit, Speaker of the House and Senate Majority Leader, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have confidently and consistently pushed an agenda that attempts to legislate everything from the educational choices, quality and opportunities of our children to how much money can be made in the private sector. Their sense of fairness dictates that all must suffer the consequences of government fiats.

Since they took control of congress almost two years ago their efforts to adopt their socialist agenda have been stymied, to a point. Their small majorities were not large enough to totally steamroll the principles of freedom that Americans have come to appreciate.

But all that is about to change. By elevating the most liberal member of the government’s collective, elected leadership to the presidency, Barack Obama will make it possible for the combined socialist agenda of his liberal comrades to prevail. With Obama at the helm, Pelosi and Reid will have no obstacles.

Their class warfare will rage on and personal success will be treated as a goal that needs to be penalized in an attempt to “spread the wealth”. Beyond that, in this Obama, Pelosi and Reid, special edition of Liberals Gone Wild, the successful in America are blamed for the conditions of the less successful. They are put forth as the enemy and the source of all that ails people and government.

On top of their class warfare games, the far left menage-a-tois of Obama, Pelosi and Reid will rejuvenate failed policies of the past as false keys to a better tomorrow. Initiatives such as Jimmy Carter’s, 1977 Community Reinvestment Act and Bill Clinton‘s expansion of that in the form of the American Homeownership Initiative will not simply be reformed, they will be expanded. This will be done despite the fact that both programs helped to create the current banking crisis by forcing banks to engage in risky lending practices to those who could not afford to pay back such loans.

Together the trio will swear to move us into energy independence while they restrict the independence of participants in the market and make it impossible to drill for domestic sources of energy or limit the exploration for such natural resources.

Unchecked and in total control, the liberal Axis of Idiocy will implement the most liberal agenda we have ever seen. From expanding the current burgeoning government bureaucracy by raising taxes and making it more expensive to operate to increasing risks to our national security, liberals will be like children locked in a candy shop after the doors have closed and the staff has gone home. Even before their lies achieve any confirmed coup of liberal dominance, this trio has already begun to conspire over a trillion dollars of new spending. New spending that will be funded by the millions of Americans whom they wish to control. A control that they hope to have by legislating everything from our opinions and ways of thinking to the medical treatment available to us.

This liberal Axis will allow for the unimpeded approval of liberal justices who want to write law rather than interpret law. This goes not only for the selection of one or maybe even two supreme court justices, it involves thousands of judicial appointments that are given to a President after congressional approval. Approval that Pelosi and Reid will reinforce so long as Obama’s appointments pass the proper liberal litmus tests.

We are about to enter dangerous territory. It is the same type of territory that Republicans entered when in 2000 they added the White House to the list of government branches that they controlled.

After almost 6 years of total control, Republicans unchecked power allowed them to become complacent. The lack of true competition in government philosophies allowed them to stray away from their own intended missions. The power went to their heads and they paid a price for it. They lost in 2006. The cycle is about to repeat itself. Liberals will be in total control. The far fetched initiatives of their far left leadership will now become a staple of American government. The extremist policies of Barney Frank, Maxine Waters, Ted Kennedy, Dennis Kucinich, Chuck Schumer, Dick Durbin and other liberal icons are now about to become mainstream, American government policies. It will be a tough two years. And it will take at least 3 times as long to recover from, but it will done.

When America sees liberals in action, the full effect of liberals who are not held back in any way, they will quickly resort to change, yet again. Just like in 1994, when two years of a government led by liberals in the White House, the House of Representatives and the Senate caused the electorate to put the breaks on that. If Obama does actually somehow convince Americans that he can do more than run for higher offices, and elect him President, they will undoubtedly correct that course quickly too. Hopefully the damage done by them in two years can be in fact corrected quickly. The only problem there is that we can not afford a damaging blow to our national security. When it comes to our nation’s security, it only takes one mistake to cost us more than we can afford.

Hopefully it will not take something so drastic to teach us a lesson . Something like the national security crisis that Joe Biden swears we will encounter if Barack Obama is elected President. It is not a risk I am willing to take. That is one reason why John McCain has my support. It is one reason why I am not willing to hand over the entirety of our government to a group of people who, for the last two years have, provided one of the most unproductive legislative sessions in recent history. It is just one among many reasons but it is one of the most important reasons.

4 Doctors Talk Politics!

An Israeli doctor said, “Medicine in my country is so advanced, we can take a kidney out of one person, put it in another and have him looking for work in six weeks.”

A German doctor said “That’s nothing! In Germany, we can take a lung out of one person, put it in another and have him looking for work in four weeks.”

A Russian doctor said, “In my country, medicine is so advanced, we can take half a heart from one person, put it in another and have them both looking for work in two weeks.”

The American doctor, not to be outdone, said “Hah! We are about to take an asshole out of Illinois, put him in the White House and half the country will be looking for work the next day.”


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Rep. John "My Constituents Are Rednecks" Murtha

Rep. John "MY Constituents Are Rednecks" Murtha

Pennsylvania has not awarded it’s electoral votes to a Republican President in twenty years.  It is a state that I would not have invested any time or money in if I were John McCain. This isn’t because Pennsylvania isn’t worth the effort, it’s simply because, given the limited amount of resources available, Pennsylvania and it’s recent electoral history is not a place McCain can afford to throw his resources into.

 That was the conventional thinking, but this election is proving to be anything but conventional.

With Obama successfully tricking people in places like Colorado, Virginia and North Carolina, the need to put Pennsylvania in play has become more pressing for McCain.

Beyond the need for it has also come a greater opportunity to win Pennsylvania. That opportunity has come from of all people, Democrats.

Barack Obama was the first person to roll out the red carpet for John McCain in Pennsylvania. He did so while running against Hillary Clinton for the nomination when he said that there were parts of the state that contained citizens who were bitterly clinging to their guns and religion.

Obama lost Pennsylvania to Hillary in a landslide. Since then he has done whatever he could to win the people of the state over. One of the reasons he chose his running mate, Joe Biden, was because of Pennsylvania. Joe Biden has roots there, in Scranton, where he grew up. It is a fact that you could not escape when Barack announced Biden as the Vice Presidential nominee. Between both of them, Scranton was brought up so much that you almost forgot that Joe Biden has been representing Delaware for more than thirty years.

Aside from putting someone who once came from Pennsylvania on the ticket Obama as well as Biden have been campaigning hard for the state. They have made countless appearances there and when not in the state, Pennsylvania has been bombarded by Obama television advertisements. Most of this activity is focused on the eastern part of the state and Philadelphia. Philadelphia has one of the highest African-American populations of any city in the nation. It is more than 43% black and almost 45 % white. When you consider that about 94% of the African American population in the country is supporting Barack Obama, Philly is very fertile territory for Obama. These are pertinent statistics that bring me to another Democrat who has helped to turn Pennsylvania into a more competitive state for John McCain. John Murtha.

Congressman Murtha is a liberal who has proven himself to be almost as big a living gaffe as Joe Biden.

Not long ago he ran around screaming that a number of U.S. Marines needed to be court marshaled because he was accusing them of murdering, bombing and torturing innocent Iraqis, including women and children. The marines in question were exonerated and the accusations were proven false but what does that matter? Murtha never apologized or corrected himself. I mean why should he? All he did was try to destroy the lives of innocent men serving their country. Who cares?

I do. So that was strike one.

More recently Murtha has explained the nature of the closeness in the race for president in his home state of Pennsylvania as being due to the fact that, as he put it, people in western Pennsylvania are racists. The statement included the very same people whom he represents, in western Pennsylvania.

That was strike two.

The remark got some heat and days later he tried to excuse what he said. In an interview, Murtha explained that what he meant was that some people in that part of the state want change but not that much. “Many of them are rednecks”. he claimed.

Strike three…..YER OUT!!!!!!!

Not only has this character betrayed the brave young men in our armed forces but he calls his own constituents racists and rednecks. For goodness sakes people, wake up! If an elected Republican official said that Colin Powel endorsed Obama simply because he was black, you liberals would be all over him. If a Republican had the gall to say that Philadelphia was supporting Obama because Philly is full of the “N” word” we would all be going out of our minds. There would be riots in the streets. Yet a lard ass, 17 term, liberal congressman calls white people in his own district rednecks because many of them are not voting for Barack Obama and there is not a single wimper.

What happened to the liberal edict of political correctness. You know, the philosophical tenet that requires that fat people be called horizontally challenged, short people to be called vertically challenged and the stupid to be called educationally challenged? I mean even if what Murtha said were true and the people of western Pennsylvania were racists, liberal sensitivity would require that he call those bigots racially challenged. But Nooooo, he doesn’t even apply his own party’s political correctness to his false charge. Murtha just comes right out and calls them rednecks. And that was his apology and explanation for calling them racists.

As of two weeks ago Murtha was coasting to re-election in his western Pennsylvania district. One poll had him at 57% while his closest opponent, a Washington County Commissioner, Diana Rey had 30%. I would hope that has changed since Murtha explained himself and concluded that his voters were not racists, just rednecks. If that early poll has not changed and the people of his district do re-elect him to his thirty fifth year as a congressman, than I have to tell you, those people in his district are not racists and they are not rednecks, they are buffoons! If Murtha represents their outlook, their sense of decency and logic than they should loosen their grip on the guns Obama has them clinging to, pick up their bibles and beat themselves over their heads with it. Maybe the good book could beat some sense into them.

If Murtha’s remarks and remarkable history are not enough for the people of his own district to vote him out of office, his comments have at least helped to do one thing. They have helped to put Pennsylvania in play for John McCain. Murtha has helped to point out the hypocrisy of liberals and the prejudices of Obama.

John Murtha has helped to remind people that racism is alive and well in the Democrat party and that they thrive on reverse discrimination. They need to play the victims or use the race card in an attempt to guilt people into voting for them. They apply double standards which do not cry foul when the preponderance of African-Americans vote for an African-American but they call it racism if a Caucasian dares to vote for a Caucasian.

All of these points have been highlighted by the comments of both Murtha and Obama and in doing so they have changed the playing field and put Pennsylvania in striking distance for McCain. So although I would not have had the McCain campaign spend too much in the way of time or resources in Pennsylvania, Obama’s and Murtha’s unconventional comments about western Pennsylvanians changes conventional thinking and requires McCain to go after the state and it’s citizens who have been disenfranchised and belittled by Murtha and Obama.

 punchline politics

The Cannibal

A cannibal was walking through the jungle and came upon a restaurant operated by a fellow cannibal.

 Feeling somewhat hungry, he sat down and looked over the menu…

Tourist: $5.00
Broiled Missionary: $10.00
Fried Explorer: $15.00
Baked Democrat or Grilled Republican: $100.00

The cannibal called the waiter over and asked, “Why such a price difference for the Politicians?”

The cook replied, “Have you ever tried to clean one? They’re so full of crap, it takes all morning.”


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Biden On Obama’s Inevitable National Security Crisis

So Barack Obama’s running mate has confirmed that within 6 months of a Barack Obama presidency, the nation will face one of it’s greatest foreign affairs crisis in history.

Biden implored voters to mark his words. In fact he stated “if you leave here remembering only one thing, remember this” that someone in the world will challenge Obama and test him out.

A comparison was even made to John F. Kennedy and the Cuban missile crisis that brought confrontation between us and the former Soviet Union. It was a crisis that had all Americans holding their breath until Kruschev backed down and their deployment of missiles to Cuba was turned around.

Senator Biden’s remark are greatly appreciated. They help to highlight the fact that we can not afford Barack Obama. He also reminds us that Barack Obama is no Jack Kennedy.

President Kennedy never agreed to unconditional negotiations with our enemies. He never vowed to raise taxes during tough economic times and he never promised to spread the wealth through Soviet style economic policies.

So given Barack Obama’s policy positions, the Cuban missile crisis is not an accurate comparison. Obama maintains none of the defensive thinking that Kennedy did. A more accurate comparison for Obama would be to Jimmy Carter. And a better example of how our enemies should react to a new administration is better exemplified by the man who defeated Jimmy Carter when he ran for re-election, Ronald Reagan.

Due to Ronald Reagan’s no nonsense foreign policy views, Iran set free the American hostages that Jimmy Carter could not bring home. The newly installed Islamic theocracy that overthrew The Shah of Iran with Carter’s urging, had the American hostages on a plane and outside of Iranian airspace at the exact moment that Ronald Reagan was sworn in as our new President.

Ronald Reagan’s promised aggressive defense of American interests contrasted Jimmy Carter’s tolerance for the intolerable. Knowing that, Iran avoided the expected reprisal that Reagan would have brought to them. It is an example of how our enemies will react to a policy that contains a bare knuckle message which indicates, that if you screw with us, you will be screwed.

Biden’s wholehearted knowledge of the fact that our enemies will test and challenge Obama with an historic national security crisis helps to hammer home this point to the electorate. It makes one wonder just how far our enemies will go in attempt to prove their point or humiliate what they call “the great Satan”, the United States.

What moves will they make in trying to see how deep the terrorist friendly policies of Obama are? How much leeway will Obama’s “friendly” policies give Iran if they give us a sincere explanation as to why the oil rich nation needs nuclear power or how much territory will Obama’s U.N. based faith allow Russia to reclaim despite the sovereignty of their neighbors?

With Obama as President, the liberal Axis of vulnerability is completed. Nancy Pelosi’s “tea with terrorists” foreign policy and Harry Reid’s “white flags of surrender” are perfectly complimented and advocated by a President Obama. It cements any doubts that our enemies may have in America’s resolve to stand up to them and their objectives.

Obama is no Jack Kennedy or Ronald Reagan, neither is John McCain but like Kennedy with communism and Reagan with terrorists, you know where he stands and so do our enemies. They need not question or test John McCain’s resolve.

So Biden’s statement promising a crisis that will be driven by our enemies doubts about him are probably accurate. In fact, according to the language Biden used to articulate the point, he is even more sure of it than I am. Who am I to doubt it? I am not Obama’s running mate. He is. It leads me to conclude that Biden knows Obama better than I do and so, on this one, I’ll take Biden’s word for it.

punchline politics

Barack Obama was seated next to a little girl on an airplane trip back to Washington. He turned to her and said, “Let’s talk. I’ve heard that flights go quicker if you strike up a conversation with your fellow passenger.”

The little girl, who had just opened her book, closed it slowly and said to The Obama, “What would you like to talk about?”

“Oh, I don’t know,” said the Obama. “How about What Changes I Should Make To America?” and he smiles.

“OK,” she says. “That could be an interesting topic. But let me ask you a question first. A horse, a cow, and a deer all eat the same stuff – grass. Yet a deer excretes little pellets, while a cow turns out a flat patty, and a horse produces clumps of dried grass. Why do you suppose that is?”

Obama, visibly surprised by the little girl’s intelligence, thinks about it for a second and finally says, “Hmmm, I have no idea.”

To which the little girl replies, “Do you really feel qualified to change America when you don’t know shit?”


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THE LAST DEBATE: Senator Government vs. Joe The Plumber’s Advocate

McCain & Obama In Hempstead, Long IslandNY For Their Last Debate

McCain and Obama In Hempstead, Long Island, NY For Their Last Debate

By far, this final debate, was the most productive of all in this season. It did not change an Obama voter into a McCain supporter or a McCain supporter into an Obama voter but it may have helped that small minority of undecided people in the electorate to inch closer to a decision and it is my opinion that many of them were swayed in McCain’s direction. Not because John McCain is a Republican but because he is not a liberal.

In this final forum two America’s were laid out. One was articulated by Senator Mcain where “Joe the plumber” lived a life of choice and opportunity that was unrestricted by government intrusion and limitation. The other was Barck Obama’s America, where Joe the plumber’s life was limited and directed by government.

.Although Barack Obama was more eloquent in his description of his version of America, John McCain was more correct in his description.

McCain was able to articulate a direction in domestic policies that was rooted in the principles of a free society. A society that allows individuals to go in the direction that is best for them. Not in the direction that is dictated by government under the control of government bureaucrats.

This philosophical difference was perhaps best portrayed in a statement that was a slip up. A slip up that was probably the most accurate name that either side has yet called the other. It came from John McCain who accidentally referred to Barack Obama as “Senator Government”.

McCain quickly corrected himself but the Freudian slip was out and the jury, in this case, cannot be asked to disregard the statement.

Senator Obama is Senator Government. He comes to us from a philosophy that believes government should do all that people should do for themselves. Barack Obama stems from the school of thought that believes government is the answer to all things. This type of thinking is more than wrong, it is dangerous. It leads to an expansion of government that grows into an endless bureaucracy that costs more money to operate than the problem it was created to solve. It is the type of thinking which requires two government agencies, and a third for oversight, to hire three people to change one light bulb.

This thinking was consistently displayed in Senator Obama’s government solutions to such things as education and health care.

On health care Barack Obama proposed a government run bureaucracy that financially penalizes some so that government can demand to all, the type and amount of health care they can get.

John McCain offered a plan that allows government to make health care more affordable and gives you the freedom to choose the care you want. Senator McCain also addressed the need to focus on awareness and early physical education that helps people to avoid severe health conditions. Conditions such as obesity.

On education, Senator Obama rejected expanding school vouchers and increasing the chance for the natural raising of standards that comes with competition. He stated that vouchers were not a worthy effort because there weren’t enough of them. Instead he proposed a litany of government run policies that would eliminate choice and limit opportunity.

Senator McCain made it clear that that which has worked should be expanded, including school choice and vouchers. He pointed out that such a program should not be eliminated because, as Obama put it, there were not enough them. But it should be implemented by creating more of them.

Through it all, “Joe the plumber” became the quintessential embodiment of both Senators vision and the victim or benefactor of their policies..

In Barack Obama’s America, Joe the plumber must pay the government more money so that he can be forced to educate his children the way the government wants, be forced to get the health care that the government limits him to and be forced to layoff people from his company and make less money because the government is taking more money.

In John McCain’s America, Joe the plumber is allowed to keep more of the money he earns which gives him the ability to hire even more people. In John McCain’s America, Joe spreads the wealth through freedom and his ability to increase his own wealth without the intrusion of government and it’s fees. In McCain’s America Joe the plumber can choose the kind of care he wants and the quality of the education that his children can receive.

So John McCain was right, Barack Obama is “Senator Government”.

Barack Obama is a Senator who wants government to intrude into every aspect of every American’s life. From their pockets to their education, Senator Government wants to govern it all and he wants to do it with a government that increases in size and spends more of your money.

Under “Senator Government”, Joe the plumber is not safer, not richer or more free. He is just a tool of government. A tool that is used to fund it’s bureaucracy and be restricted by it’s regulations. Under Senator Government, Joe the plumber is not better he is just more controlled.

The only other point of real note in this final face-off was John McCain’s reminder to “Senator Government” that if he “wanted to run against George Bush,” he “should have done so four years ago.” But beyond that clarification, this debate did make things a bit clearer and all the Joe the plumbers from Toledo to Texas and Seattle to Sarasota should surely know which America is the best America for them and everyone in between.



 A member of the Senate, known for his hot temper and acid tongue, explodes one day in mid-session and begins to shout, “Half of this Senate is made up of cowards and corrupt politicians!” 

  All the other Senators plead to the angry member that he withdraw his statement, or be removed from the remainder of the session. After a long pause, the angry member accepted. 
 “Ok,” he said, “I withdraw what I said. Half of this Senate is NOT made up of cowards and corrupt politicians!”





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The next debate is a final opportunity for both presidential candidates. It is their last chance to have all Americans focused on both of their candidacies at the same time. The last chance for any impromptu reactions or unscripted responses that help give any indication of the natural instincts which the next President possesses.
From hereon, after the debate, every word uttered, by either side, will be rehearsed, poll tested and formatted with precision. That is the nature of modern day politics and whether we like it or not, that’s the way it is. Even the debate will be as scripted as possible. The candidates and their responses have been programmed to the very best abilities of their campaign organizations.

 The likely as well as the unlikely questions that might be asked in this debate have already been raised by each respective side behind closed doors. The candidates have practiced a response to those questions that polls have indicated to be popular with the people or segments of the electorate that each candidate is targeting.

So despite the excitement over the perceived opportunity for spontaneity during a debate, there is very little in the way of spontaneous, unscripted reactions during them. Even those answers which may seem off the cuff or spontaneous are rehearsed. In fact, modern day political debates are conducted in such a way that the greatest challenge to each candidate is finding the right opportunity and moment to answer a question with certain, rehearsed talking points that they want to give air time to. This makes the question asked less than something which must be answered and more an opportunity to fit in a charge or provocative point that polls shows hits home with the sector of the electorate that one candidate or the other needs to appeal to.

Given these points and seeing as how none of the previous debates in this election shed new light on the perspectives of either man running for President, what in this final debate could possibly be asked and make a real difference? A difference in the minds of voters? What question and or it’s answer could change the minds of people with strongly held opinions of the candidates for President?

The way this election and it’s debates have gone so far, I do not think there is any question or answer that can achieve such a goal.

All except for one.

In this last official debate, I believe the most important and valuable thing that Bob Schieffer, the moderator, can do or say is:

“Senator Obama, Senator McCain,…I can ask you about the economy. I can ask you for specifics regarding foreign affairs, homeland security, immigration education or your reasons for choosing the your running mates but I wont. Instead I am going to ask you to ask your opponent a question.”

I would like to see the candidates have to ask each other two questions on the economy, two questions on issues dealing with foreign affairs, and two each on energy and immigration. If each candidate came into this forum expecting to just answer questions, it would be interesting to see how Obama and McCain would react and how they would use the opportunity. Would they use this rare and valuable chance to pull off a political gotcha or would they use it as an opportunity to shed new light on policy differences and their directions for our nation?

Would they use the opportunity for political exploitation or honest issue and policy clarification?

In some cases, the type of question they ask could be even more telling and important than the answers given to those questions asked.

Reality dictates that this type of mutual candidate query will not take place but Bob Schieffer can still give John McCain and Barack Obama the chance to ask one question of each other.

Being limited to only asking one question could be even more telling. It would give a true sense of what is most important in the mind of the questioner. Are they more concerned with a politically driven questions that is geared towards electoral politics? Or are they more concerned with the issues facing the people of our nation who do not divide themselves up by class, race, religion, orientation or party affiliation? You know, the average, non-political citizen who calls themselves an American.

This final debate is suppose to be dedicated to foreign affairs. That’s quite an important issue and one that deals with the most essential, constitutional responsibility of our government. Yet, given the information produced from the past few debates, I expect no new information or mind changing explanations to come out of this one too. Surprising the candidates with a chance to ask one question of one another might provide one of the most insightful moments in this entire election to date.




A little boy wanted $100 badly and prayed for two weeks but nothing happened.

Then he decided to write GOD a letter requesting the $100.

When the postal authorities received the letter addressed to GOD USA, they decided to send it to President Bush.

The President was so impressed, touched, and amused that he instructed his secretary to send the little boy a $5.00 bill.

President Bush thought this would appear to be a lot of money to a little boy.

The little boy was delighted with the $5.00 and sat down to write a thank you note to GOD, which read:

Dear GOD,

Thank you very much for sending the money, however, I noticed that for some reason you had to send it through Washington D.C. and, as usual, those idiots deducted $95.00!




Submitted by boloo2 



Obama Biden Pictures, Images and Photos

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If current trends hold up, John McCain will be losing this election. This is contrary to an earlier posted prediction where I indicate that McCain will win with 274 electoral votes to Obama’s 264. I extrapolate on this prediction by adding that John McCain will win the presidency through the electoral college but he will lose the popular vote. 
I still maintain this result but that prediction is less likely, due in part, to the disadvantages of current trends in Nevada, Colorado, Virginia and now, unexpectedly, Florida and North Carolina. There is a political lifetime to be had in the weeks before Election Day and anything,…. anything,…. can happen. That still does not change the indications pointing to a McCain loss at this point in time. At this late in the game it is difficult to turn the tide….difficult but not impossible.  It should be remembered that at this same point in time Michael Dukakis was ahead of Vice President George H. W. Bush by 17% and in 2000 Al Gore was ahead of Governor George W. Bush by 11%.

However; current trends have emboldened many liberals and left leaning radicals to the point of posting many overconfident, cocky and even outrageous comments. Many of these comments insinuate that conservatives and Republicans are now desperate because of Barack Obama’s electoral prospects. They even suggest that the possible Obama victory vindicates them and their liberal policies.

Well I have a newsflash for them. While they now, pat themselves on the back, they are also sticking their heads up their collective behinds and victory does not mean vindication, it only offers the opportunity for vindication.

They do not realize that with victory comes responsibility. They neglect to reflect on what they have accomplished since they took control of congress almost two years ago. Nothing.  They neglect to understand that if they win the election, they also win the responsibility to put their rhetoric into the practical application of government.

If they do win this election, liberals and Barack Obama will have to fund and implement their 1.2 trillion dollars worth of government programs. They will have to defend our nation against foreign and domestic threats and reign over an economy that is sound, stable and growing. They will have to meet our energy needs while moving us to a new, natural, efficient and healthier energy platform.

All of these things and more will need to be done and I for one vow to support the President that we elect. I will do so because whoever wins, he will be the President, our President, and his success is our success. Unlike liberal Bush haters, I will stop throwing stones at Obama not because he is Barack Obama but because he is the President. I may be a Republican but that does not supersede my being an American and I benefit more from a good President being in office than I do from any kind of Democrat or Republican being President.

Yet, from a strictly Republican perspective, contrary to liberal accusations, I do not fear Obama becoming President. My faith in my nation is strong and I know that no one person defines my nation and no one person can irrevocably change my nation or it‘s direction. Furthermore, it is my belief, that given that chance, Barack Obama will do for Republicans what they have not been able to do for themselves,…..win.

When liberals are given the chance to put their money where their mouths are, they fall short and apart. They are fractured in ideology and efforts and are incapable of leadership. A look at Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi proves this point.

Another case in point is 1994. After two years of the Bill and Hillary presidency, Republicans took control of both houses of Congress. It was the first time in over forty years that they took control of the house of representatives. They were dramatic upheavals and it took the example of liberal in action to bring it about.

Given these facts, I expect one of the largest lurches back to the right in history after the ultra liberal administration of a Barack Obama gets to work with the radical left leadership of a Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.  Do I hope for an incompetent government? No, I don’t. My country is more important than my party. My country is what I live in and for.  My party is merely the ideological tool  that I try to apply to make my nation better.

Just as my nation, my party, is not defined by any one person and I may disagree with it’s direction from time to time. In fact I have several issues with my party. Their lack of direction on issues such as spending and immigration are just two examples. Their collective taking for granted their leadership in congress in the years before they lost control in 2006 is another. But unlike liberals, Republicans tend to learn from their mistakes, whereas liberals tend to repeat them.

So the possibility of losing this election does not change my belief in the ideology of my party and it does not make me bitter over my nation. Unlike famed liberals, who in the past, have suggested that they were leaving the country if Bush was elected, I won’t leave my nation if Obama is elected. I will not turn my back on my beliefs or lose my love for America. I will, however wish my President, whoever it is, the best, offer my opinion and deal with the effects that his leadership brings us.  And as a typical American, if he screws up, I will be shouting the errors of his ways from the highest mountain tops and preparing to defeat those screw ups in the next election. In any event, I surely do hope that our next President can create a stronger economy, secure our borders, thwart terrorism and allow us to thrive as Americans. Why would I not?  Whether a Republican or a Democrat continues to achieve that, I win. We all win.

So of course I wish for that, regardless of which candidate wins. But until that winner is determined I will continue to support the candidate whom I believe is most likely to succeed in those areas.  I do not see Obama as being that success and although McCain was not my first choice, I believe he is the best choice.  It is my greatest hope that a Barack Obama administration does not deliver the same type of defense and economy that a Jimmy Carter administration brought us.  Unfortunately, I do not see Obama any different from Jimmy Carter….except for one difference….. Carter had more experience than Obama. 

So before liberals prematurely gloat over any potential campaign victory, they should take a deep breath and pray that they are capable of doing the job and reconciling reality with the myth of their words. Oh, wait,…. I’m sorry……to suggest prayer is consider politically incorrect by liberals, so let me rephrase that and write “hope” that they are capable of doing the job and reconciling reality with the myth of their words.



Three contractors are bidding to fix a broken fence at the White House in D.C.; one from New Jersey, another from Tennessee and the third, from Florida. They go with a White House official to examine the fence.

The Florida contractor takes out a tape measure and does some measuring, then works some figures with a pencil. “Well”, he says, “I figure the job will run about $900: $400 for materials, $400 for my crew and $100 profit for me.”

The Tennessee contractor also does some measuring and figuring, then says, “I can do this job for $700: $300 for materials, $300 for my crew and $100 profit for me.”

The New Jersey contractor doesn’t measure or figure, but leans over to the White House official and whispers, “$2,700.”

The official, incredulous, says, “You didn’t even measure like the other guys! How did you come up with such a high figure?”

The New Jersey contractor whispers back, “$1000 for me, $1000 for you, and we hire the guy from Tennessee to fix the fence.”

“Done!” replies the government official.

And that friends, is how it all works!

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blog post photoThe one and only debate between vice presidential nominees Joe Biden and Sarah Palin has come and gone. Did it change any minds? Did it convince anyone to change their vote for the men running for President? Most Likely not. The electorate is quite polarized and those that remain undecided are a minority.

Personally, I am disappointed in both the presidential and vice presidential debates. I have been discouraged by the lack of any issue being articulated in a way that has changed minds by shedding new persuasive arguments on them. Yet, although no one has carried the ball to the goal post, in this one and only vice presidential debate, Governor Sarah Palin did score points.

Despite the experience of Joe Biden and his repeated runs for the presidency, Sarah Palin stood toe to toe with him and delivered a few body blows. The novice politician essentially used Joe Biden’s 35 years of beltway politics against him. Perhaps the greatest example of this was when Governor Palin stated that she does not understand Washington politicians who say they are for things that they vote against it or vise versa .

That was a remark that rang true with those of us outside of the beltway. It hit home the point that unlike Joe Biden, Sarah Palin is not accomplished in doubletalk or the politics of procrastination. She is a doer who does what she says.

Biden , for his part, was no pushover. He was congenial, personable and efficient. He got in many of the points that the Obama camp needed to hit John McCain on in areas of his perceived vulnerabilities. And Biden tried to drive them home but the fact remains, though, that those points did not hit home. Especially in the face of Sarah Palin’s strong defense of McCain and due to the fact that many of Biden’s points were false.

Sarah Palin, did at times, in fact, actually present some arguments better than McCain has. On energy she presented an “all of the above” approach, one that includes clean coal, drilling, solar, wind and hydro. On the current 800 billion dollar economic rescue package she shed light on the personal responsibility aspect of the problem which led too many to live beyond their means and laid appropriate blame for predatory loan practices at the feet of those who’s greed overtook the system. When asked by moderator Gwenn Iffel if predatory lenders played a role in the crisis, Palin didn’t flinch and responded “Darn right predatory lenders played a major role in this crisis”. She added that “we need to band together and never again be taken advantage of and exploited” and that proper federal oversight is needed. The Governor expanded further by reminding voters and Joe Biden that John McCain saw this crisis coming and offered needed oversight two years ago when he sponsored legislation that would have averted the problem we face now, legislation that Biden and his colleagues rejected.

One of my favorites moments came when Governor Palin reminded people that, muchto the dismay of the Obama-Biden ticket, they are not running against George Bush and it is not his name that will be on the ballot in November. She delivered that punch with an off handed “Oh Joe, there you go again, pointing backwards again prefacing all your remarks with George Bush while we want to discuss where we want to go from here.”

On foreign affairs Sarah Palin demonstrated familiarity with the players on the

Biden And Palin In Their First And Last Vice Presidential Debate

Biden And Palin In Their First And Last Vice Presidential Debate

international stage and reinforced a proper approach to dealing with those players. She convincingly argued against Obama’s commitment to sit down for tea with terrorists and rogue nations, without conditions, as they preach the virtues of a second holocaust or jihad against America.

 On taxes she displayed a Reaganesque belief in the strength of our economy being the people who pump money into the economy and the businesses which employ the people who pump money into it. At one point the Governor responded to Senator Biden’s support for tax blog post photoincreases by eloquently, yet bluntly, pointing out that his intended redistribution of wealth was not patriotic but an example of government being in the way of the people and that more often than not , government is not a part of the solution but actually the problem. She demonstrated a faith in people more than government and referred to the potential of us, one day, having to tell our children’s children about what it was like to have once been free in America, if we maintain an out of control ideology that leads to a government that controls every aspect of our lives.

 When all was said and done, this debate did not change the way one may be voting on Election Day, but it did dispel the liberal perception that Sarah Palin doesn’t have a clue and that she has no command of the issues. During the course of this debate Palin exceeded expectations and if she didn’t change the votes of those who will be supporting Obama, she did appealed to the voters that she needed to and reaffirmed their inclinations to vote for John McCain..

Sarah Palin proved that she is no flash in the pan and that regardless of the way this election turns out, she will be a force to contend with. The Alaskan, Governor made it clear that her experience is not based in talk but in the results that she achieved. Results which took on big oil, corruption and even her own party. Results that she can use to blaze a new and better direction for our nation.

She also demonstrated that she can take on the big boys and that she can handle the likes of Biden as well as the office of Vice President of the United States.

blog post photo


Alabama: Hell Yes, We Have Electricity

Alaska: 11,623 Eskimos Can’t Be Wrong!

Arizona: But It’s A Dry Heat
Arkansas: Literacy Ain’t Everything
California: By 30, Our Women Have More Plastic Than Your Honda

Colorado: If You Don’t Ski, Don’t Bother

Connecticut: Like Massachusetts, Only The Kennedy’s Don’t Own It-Yet

Delaware: We Really Do Like The Chemicals In Our Water

Florida: Ask Us About Our Grandkids

Georgia: We Put The “Fun” In Fundamentalist Extremism

Hawaii: Haka Tiki Mou Sha’ami Leeki Toru (Death To Mainland Scum, But Leave
Your Money)

Idaho: More Than Just Potatoes…Well Okay, We’re Not, But The Potatoes Sure
Are Real Good

Illinois: Please Don’t Pronounce the “S”

Indiana: 2 Billion Years Tidal Wave Free

Iowa: We Do Amazing Things With Corn

Kansas: First Of The Rectangle States

Kentucky: Five Million People; Fifteen Last Names

Louisiana: We’re Not ALL Drunk Cajun Wackos, But That’s Our Tourism Campaign

Maine: We’re Really Cold, But We Have Cheap Lobster

Maryland: If You Can Dream It, We Can Tax It

Massachusetts: Our Taxes Are Lower Than Sweden’s (For Most Tax Brackets)

Michigan: First Line Of Defense From The Canadians

Minnesota: 10,000 Lakes… And 10,000,000,000,000 Mosquitoes

Mississippi: Come And Feel Better About Your Own State

Missouri: Your Federal Flood Relief Tax Dollars At Work

Montana: Land Of The Big Sky, The Unabomber, Right-Wing Crazies, And Very
Little Else

Nebraska: Ask About Our State Motto Contest

Nevada: Hookers and Poker!

New Hampshire: Go Away And Leave Us Alone

New Jersey: You Want A ##$%##! Motto? I Got Yer ##$%##! Motto Right Here!

New Mexico: Lizards Make Excellent pets

New York: You Have The Right To Remain Silent, You Have The Right To An

North Carolina: Tobacco Is A Vegetable

North Dakota: We Really Are One Of The 50 States!

Ohio: At Least We’re Not Michigan

Oklahoma: Like The Play, Only No Singing

Oregon: Spotted Owl… It’s What’s For Dinner

Pennsylvania: Cook With Coal

Rhode Island: We’re Not REALLY An Island

South Carolina: Remember The Civil War? We Didn’t Actually Surrender

South Dakota: Closer Than North Dakota

Tennessee: The Educashun State

Texas: Si’ Hablo Ing’les

Utah: Our Jesus Is Better Than Your Jesus

Vermont: Yep

Virginia: Who Says Government Stiffs And Slackjaw Yokels Don’t Mix?

Washington: Help! We’re Overrun By Nerds And Slackers!

Washington, D.C.: Wanna Be Mayor?

West Virginia: One Big Happy Family… Really!

Wisconsin: Come Cut The Cheese

Wyoming: Where Men Are Men… and the sheep are scared


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Tonight’s debate may not change minds when it comes to electing our President. In fact it probably wont. However, Sarah Palin has one chance and one chance only to give a boost to the McCain candidacy and continue her own viability as a political presence in the future, regardless of the results of the coming election. If she flops, she will never overcome the media’s unavoidable, continuous belittling of her. If she does more than just well, she will remain a potential national force to deal with, even if the McCain ticket loses.


What Sarah Palin needs to do is accentuate her positives. She is relatively plain spoken and has the ability to connect with people in a way that far exceeds Biden’s or Obama’s. She needs to use that ability to undercut Biden’s 36 years of Washington doubletalk, and she can do it.

Sarah Palin needs to approach each answer to each question with a common touch that enhances her most attractive political quality, she’s one of us. Governor Palin is not a part of the political establishment which has collectively, led us to the need for a 700 billion dollar bailout. She is not a part of the old boys network that adds pork barrel spending for studying the DNA of bears to a bill that is aimed funding troops in Afghanistan. No, Sarah Palin is not a part of that process and she does not have experience with that. Her experience is founded in achieving what she set out to do. Be it creating a new pipeline to provide new energy to the nation and increased wealth to her constituents or vetoing her state legislatures attempt to deny homosexuals equal rights, Sarah Palin has done it and that is the type of experience that she has.


She Must Be Herself

She Must Be Herself

Sarah Palin’s greatest asset is simplicity, a simplicity in an approach to government that avoids the filibustering of progress and sets course for action and progress. This is what she must convey in her answers. She must rekindle the maverick theme that the McCain ticket needs and she can do it.

In her debate performance Palin will have the opportunity to gear each answer towards that maverick image. By stating a non-political course of Presidential action in response to issues facing the nation. She can also take the opportunity to highlight the typical approach to government an bureaucracy that will be obvious in Joe Biden’s answers.

Authenticity will be the key to Palin’s success tonight. If she is herself, her natural instincts which propelled her in Alaska politics and accounted for productive leadership in Alaska will come across to Americans and be appreciated by Americans.

Tonight is her opportunity to assist this Republican ticket in getting across the finish line first and it is her chance to either cement herself as a political force to reckon with or politician to be made fun of by a liberal media and a bitter liberal segment of the electorate.

I have faith and I believe that the former is more likely than the latter.


Something to think about: “How To Save the Government $5 Million!”

A president’s pension currently is $191,300 per year, lasting until he is 80 years old.

Assuming the next president lives to age 80:

  1. Sen. McCain would receive ZERO pension, as he would reach 80 at the end of two terms as president.
  2. Sen. Obama would be retired for 26 years after two terms, so would receive $4,973,800 in pension.

Therefore, it would certainly make economic sense to elect McCain in November.

Now, how’s that for non-partisan thinking???

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In 1968 the campaign of Hubert Humphrey was the first presidential election to use a television ad attacking the oppositions vice presidential nominee. It was used to make fun of Richard of Nixon’s selection of then Maryland Governor Spiro Agnew.

That election was won by Richard Nixon with 301 electoral votes to 191 electoral votes. Third party candidate, Governor George Wallace won 5 southern states and 46 electoral votes.

The ad on Agnew had little effect.

Today we face a much different electoral map, yet one thing that is not different is the use of Sarah Palin by the opposition in this election. Many private groups have taken it upon themselves to run ads, on behalf of Barack Obama, that focus on Palin.

Governor Palin will Saratize the stale political atmosphere

Governor Palin will Saratize the stale political atmosphere

The great attention on Palin came within days of the boost that her addition to the ticket brought to John McCain’s candidacy. A sort of fear overcame the liberal extremists within the Obama camp and outside of it. They were caught off guard by the selection. They were offended by the presentation of a strong, accomplished woman that was not Hillary Clinton or who married into power.

When she was first announced as McCain’s running mate, the Obamakins stated that her only experience is as a small town mayor. They skipped right over the fact that she is a sitting governor. They immediately wrote off her experience because “some” of it, was rooted in a small town and from their perspective small town America doesn’t matter.

Since than, the left has attacked her family, her education and her religion. They have lied about her decisions and actions and claimed that she banned books that were not even published at the time and that she supported secession from the Union when she simply spoke against secession before groups that did advance that cause.

In other words, the left went nuts. They did not know how to deal with her candidacy and they still don’t.

As the vice presidential debate approaches I am sure that they are still at wits end when it comes to coping with her presence on the stage. They have more lies ready to hit to the stands. They have more distortions that they are ready to perpetuate on the internet and over the airwaves. They have plenty of mud to throw but they have little constructive commentary to replace their mud with.

During the course of the debate, I am confident of one thing, Sarah Palin will be a breath of fresh air in an otherwise stale political environment. I am sure she will provide rational sectors of the electorate, with confidence in her abilities and beyond that she will instill a sense of confidence in her ability to bring about their desire for reform of business as usual, Washington, DC, politics.

You see, Sarah Palin does lack experience. She lacks the experience of Washington, DC and it’s go along to get along mentality. She lacks the experience of putting aside one priority for someone’s political favor. Palin lacks the experience of inaction and double talk. On the other hand she has the experience of standing up to the status quo, eliminating deadweight and defeating obstacles to progress. She has the experience of being able to make government work for the people, not against them.

The left can make all the false charges that they want but the truth of Governor Palin’s record cannot be changed. She has spent her time in public service tackling corruption and standing up to the powers that be, even when they were in her own party. She has developed economic policies that enrichened the pockets of Alaskans, not legislated money out of their pockets.

To the contrary, her debate opponent, Joe Biden, has never once opposed a tax increase, reduced the size of

Biden will use DC doubletalk to poluute the political atmosphere

Biden will use DC doubletalk to poluute the political atmosphere

government or stood up to his party and he is a longtime member of the liberal establishment. He is the type of Washington insider that gets hung up on politics and losses sight of positive progress. Biden is the politician who made the decision to hold a “trial” to determine whether, a decade earlier, Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas had committed the outrages of remarking to Anita Hill that dirt on a can of soda looked like pubic hair. Biden is the man who recently touted that the answer to Iraq’s problem was splitting the sovereign nation up into thirds based upon religious sects.

Just as was the case in the 1968 election, this election will not hinge on the vice presidential candidates or their debate and the left’s attacks on Palin will make even less difference. Most people vote for the President, not the Vice President but what people, especially undecided and independent voters, will walk away with is a sense of which ticket is more suited to change the way Washington works. Change in the sense of reform that will take effect from the top down.

I believe that Sarah Palin will Saratize the stale atmosphere of DC politics and that her common sense talk will prevail over Biden’s DC doubletalk.

And for those of you who want to claim that when it comes to the vice presidency, Sarah Palin does not have enough experience but when it comes to the Presidency, Barack Obama does……..I suggest you take a look at this:




Top 10 Signs Your Presidential Candidate is Under-Qualified

1.- Promises to improve foreign relations with Hawaii.

2.- Runs a series of attack ads against Martin Sheen’s character on “The West Wing”.

3.- His #1 choice to work on his cabinet is “That Bob Vila guy”.

4. – Outstanding record as Governor of Rhode Island nullified by the fact that no one cares.

5. – Got his degree in Political Economics by bribing Sally Struthers with a chocolate donut.

6. – Anybody mentions Washington, he asks, “The state or the DC thingie?”

7. – At the debates, answers every question with a snarled, “You wanna wrestle?”

8. – Vows to put an end to the war in Pokemon and free the Pikachu refugees once and for all 

9. – Says the Pledge of Allegiance as quickly as possible, then shouts, “I win!”

                10. -On the very first question of the debate, he attempts to use a lifeline.


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One will be President.  Both need to show us why they should be.

One will be President. Both need to show us why they should be.

Presidents must provide leadership that leads us away from crisis if they see it coming. If they didn’t see it coming, they must get us through it.

The current financial crisis that our nation is being warned of could have been avoided if we acted on some of the preventive measures that would have averted the recent need for a 700 billion dollar rescue package. Not avoiding it is something that I blame President Bush for. Note, I do not blame him for the problem but I do blame him and the administration for not seeing it coming. I blame him for not heading the advice of others who warned us about the mortgage lending practices which have inevitably threatened every other, major, area of the economy. People like John McCain who in 2005 proposed measures to correct our course and avoid the ice field.

Someone was asleep at the wheel on this one. It was akin to being on duty in the watchtower and still not seeing the iceberg that sunk the Titanic.

I will blame the President for allowing the issue to get to this point and requiring an historic, expensive hurried, solution to what should have been avoided, but I will not blame him for creating the problem that he did not acknowledge until it was too late.

Clinton's National Homeowners Strategt led to out national economic unraveling

Nat'l Homeoners Strategy led to crisis

This was a problem created, in part, by the Clinton era.

Under the Clinton administration mandates were created that forced FannieMae and FreddieMac to extend high risks loans to low income and minority applicants. Clinton‘s National Homeowners Strategy was a financial scheme that promoted insanely low down payments and coerced lenders into giving mortgage loans to first-time buyers with unstable financing and incomes. It was a way to increase homeownership. That is an admirable motive but as usual,the  liberal mentality, forced government to do that which it should not have done. Essentially, the Clinton era initiatives that forced government action on private sector interests led to the need for government to take over FannieMae and FreddieMac. This is not to say that private sector greed and bad business practices did not add to the wrong minded government policy, it did, but what happened here is that government solutions to one problem, created another . Now, ironically, the government which helped to create this problem is having to solve it.

There are many lessons that can be learned from this. Whether you refuse to learn those lessons is up to you but the lessons are there. The left , under Nancy Pelosi, want to point fingers at Republicans and blame the entire problem on their tendencies for deregulation. That could almost be plausible if it was true. Unfortunately for liberals, it is not true. Conservatives are not for no regulation. Conservatives are for less regulations. They are against government regulations such as the Clinton era housing initiatives which forced FannieMae and FreddieMac to enter into high risk loans that should never have had the opportunity to be defaulted on. Republicans are against the type of regulations that prevent reasonable growth of our economy that is based upon sound policy and business practices.

Such was the case in 2005 when John McCain sponsored the Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act which was specifically aimed at reeling in the higher than acceptable risk taking of FannieMae and FreddieMac. It was also designed to reign in many of the shady recording practices that both institutions were conducting.

The Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2005 was, as it’s name indicates, a bill of regulatory reform, a bill that would have reformed the regulations which have added to the creation of the current economic crisis. The bill was ignored and denied by Democrats and the Democrat chairmen of the committees responsible for the bill. Congressman Barney frank and senator Chris Dodd did not act on this corrective initiative. Yet today, they join with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid in blaming Republicans.

Pelosi’s lack of ability to lead has been clear for many years. During the last two years, as Speaker of the House,her lack of leadership has been profound. It lacked the ability to get her own party in line and pass their own liberal initiatives. That is why this is one of history’s least productive congressional legislative
The most unaccomplished Speaker in history

The most unaccomplished Speaker in history


Between President Bush sleeping at the economic wheel and the house Democrat leaders’s lack of ability to accomplish anything, we need a leader to step forward. For me that leadership should come from the next President. It should come from the individual who will be steering our economic ship with whatever the burden of the solution to this crisis is.

Barack Obama and John McCain are incumbent senators. They have a responsibility to live up to in those capacities and they should not use a political campaign as an excuse for avoiding that responsibility.

John McCain was right when last week he suspended normal campaign activity in a stated attempt to deal with the legislative package aimed at rescuing the economy. He was wrong to back away from this original position. In doing so we are back to square one and Nancy Pelosi’s lack of leadership along with that of President Bush and Committee Chairs Dodd and Barney still leaves us crying out for effective leadership.

John McCain is no Nostradamus, but on this issue he has been ahead of the curve and his instincts have been right, at least since 2005 when he proposed measures that would have not allowed things to spiral out of control and bring us to this point. McCain should continue with those instincts and apply them in his capacity as a sitting senator.

Why did he reject the solutions before it bacame a problem?

Why did he reject the solutions before it baecame a problem?

I understand that neither McCain or Obama sit on the House Financial Services Committee or the Senate Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs Committee, which are the primary committees handling the bailout package. However, their involvement on the issue,along, with their colleagues can interject some much needed initiatives and direction into those committees. To believe that since they are not on the committee, they have nothing to do with it or no ability to influence it is absurd.

If either of these two men have the capacity to lead us that their individual campaigns would have us believe than now is their chance to show it.

Too late now to save the process he helped to sink

Too late now to save the process he helped to sink

Now is the time for them to demonstrate their purported abilities to solve problems and unite people together to properly address our national concerns. If either of these men have the answers to our problems, than now is the time to provide those answers. If the economic dangers we are witnessing are truly a crisis, now is the time to answer their calls to duty.

Get off their high horses and get behind their legislative desks of responsibility. Do not politicize the crisis in stump speeches before adoring supporters in Ohio, Pennsylvania or Colorado.  Go to Washington, D.C. and rally the legislative geniuses of Capital Hill together behind appropriate, legitimate legislation that will address the crisis.

I want McCain and Obama to present their rescue packages. A package of legislative measures that:

A. – Produces an acceptable level of fluidity in the credit markets
B. – Prevent the abusive practice of an overextension of risky loans.
C. – Tightens the recording practices of all federal monetary institutions.
D. – Eliminates the Clinton era National Homeownership Strategy policies
E. – Levees a payback with interest on any and all monies invested in bailout packages
F. – Eliminate golden parachutes for executive officers responsible for insolvency

Obama and McCain may not sit on the committees charged with hammering out such a package but they are

Talk is cheap. Action is essential.

Talk is cheap. Action is essential.

charged with the responsibility to create a package that the proper committees must address. Through their leadership they can create a plan that is good enough to garner support and strong enough to rally behind. If they cannot do this than they have no right to comment on the process and use it to advance their candidacies for President.

I want them to demonstrate through deed, not word, how good their abilities are to resolve problems and deal with crisis.

If either McCain or Obama want to demonstrate that they have the ability to accomplish things as President, now is the chance to show it, not just talk about it. The cry for leadership in this crisis is loud and clear and if Obama and/or McCain refuse to answer those cries, than neither one should be asking for the chance to lead our nation for the next four years to come.

Last Wednesday, when McCain embraced the issue and suspended his campaign, he was on track. It was the right thing to do. Since than he has strayed off this track and now we still do not have a rescue package in place. Now, more than ever he needs to get back on track, suspend his campaign and take the lead on the issue. Develop a plan that can win the day and help propel him to the White House.

A campaign is a great forum for ideas to be expressed but a time of crisis is a great forum for leadership to be practiced. McCain and Obama need to practice it now.

punchline politics

A Guide to U.S. Newspapers 


1. The Wall Street Journal is read by the people who run the country.
2. The New York Times is read by people who think they run the country.
3. The Washington Post is read by people who think they should run the country.

4. USA Today is read by people who think they ought to run the country but don’t really understand the Washington Post. They do, however like the smog statistics shown in pie charts.

5. The Los Angeles Times is read by people who wouldn’t mind running the country, if they could spare the time, and if they didn’t have to leave L.A. to do it.

6. The Boston Globe is read by people whose parents used to run the country.

7. The New York Daily News is read by people who aren’t too sure who’s running the country, and don’t really care as long as they can get a seat on the train.

8. The New York Post is read by people who don’t care who’s running the country either, as long as they do something really scandalous, preferably while intoxicated.

9. The San Francisco Chronicle is read by people who aren’t sure there is a country, or that anyone is running it; but whoever it is, they oppose all that they stand for. There are occasional exceptions if the leaders are handicapped minority, feministic atheist dwarfs, who also happen to be illegal aliens from ANY country or galaxy as long as they are democrats.

10. The Miami Herald is read by people who are running another country, but need the baseball scores.



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